Seeing talk about the MM rework and wanted to see what people think. I believe hero talents are meant to be evergreen but I could be remembering wrong.
Do you think Dark Rangers as a hunter option are here to stay? Would you play it as a 4th spec?
I was really excited to see it added to the game and would love to see it as a permanent fixture with an even more distinct kit.
it would be nice, but i dont have any hope for it being faithful to what a dark ranger is considering mm is being forced into birds and dark ranger already has things in its hero spec tree that dont really seem all that fitting
I don’t think Blizzard will ever add 4th specs. It’s too much work. Even if they did, I doubt they’d give hunter a 4th DPS spec.
The Hero Talents are meant to be an evergreen feature, so they probably won’t go away.
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