Are Cross Realm Battlegrounds a Mechanic, or Content?

When I say “Server Merges” I am using that term a little bit loosely…

Example if you have 2 severs and one is Horde bias at 70% horde 30% alliance and 3500 total players…

And you have another server but it’s the inverse of this with the same population then server transfers in a controlled voluntary way would be the idea solution to even things out.

However if you have a server who’s population is say… 550 total players…

Give those players a new home, and close their old server down totally… How do you handle the character names problem?? No idea, but leaving a dead server up is bad.

Closing a dead realm and mothballing all the non-active accounts is likely the best solution to that problem.

If the game gets an outbreak of players coming in then that’s a good problem to have, and Blizzard can indeed look into solutions for these new players by building them a new home or adding them to certain less populated realms.


You can quote it, but please don’t link that dudes videos.

In any case, yes Cross Realm BGs will be in the game as they were in 1.12.

You know, as I read todays update I saw 100000 people complaining about how this update is a nothingburger and a waste of time because all its doing is telling us what we already know.

Blizzard: We are going based on 1.12

Forums: Yeah… but what does that MEAN exactly?

Blizzard: That we are basing almost EVERYTHING on 1.12

Forum: Oh I see… but will it have “X”?

Blizzard: Was it in 1.12?

Forum: Yes…

Blizzard: Its going to be in Classic then.

And now, right after having them triple down on 1.12, their reasoning for it and more. Here we are again asking if a 1.12 BG feature is going to be in the game, when they have confirmed 1.12 based BGs, 1.12 Based itemization, 1.12 based Talents and abilities and more.

People keep asking the same damn question and we already know the answer. They have explained what the few exceptions to 1.12 will be, the BattleNet stuff, Mail, the mod/macro API, Graphics options and a few others, but we basically know everything now.


Off on a bit of a tangent here; but I think Blizzard is actually interested to see if our Classic realm communities are going to be able to solve content problems ourselves. If BG queues are long, and we know that Blizzard isn’t going to step in and “fix” things, maybe we will just use the forums and arrange cross-faction agreements for best times and days to queue for BG.

This could tell Blizzard a great deal about how to re-introduce community into their main game. Do they have to baby sit it, or just give it the tools to sort things on its own.


calm down, there’s actually no clarity about crbgs in the blue post, but ok

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To be clear that is not the question. The question is whether they will be in CP3 or CP6. CRBGs, without a statement from Blizzard, are a foregone conclusion.

I’d prefer them later (CP6) rather than sooner (CP3), because they are a community negative and the Vanilla experience didn’t introduce them until 1.12.

I rarely disagree with your points but I think you may be wrong here. I think it is most likely that we will not see CRBGs at all. I think at least some at the top at Blizzard view this project as somewhat of a laboratory. They know that community was the glue that held Vanilla together. But they don’t know how it works ( who does really). I think they want to see what happens when the ‘content’ stops flowing. Does community die? Or does community invent new ways to play? PVP conflict in new ways, raids and dungeons with weird class combinations as a kind of sport . . . .

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That entire concept of quicker gratification is exactly what ended up destroying WoW as we knew it, leaving only Retail.

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Imo if there is an imbalance then that is the culture of that community just let it be. Also the dying server, yes allow them to transfer if they want to. If there is 2 people on the server left and they have to shut it down just let them know “we are shutting this server down, it’s your last chance”, and then shut it. But when there’s like 2k people online and they decide to merge it to a 3k server without anyway out that is just crappy. It sucks.

But honestly this really doesn’t hve too much to do with bgs more so to do with a population problem. Even on full pop server crbgs will be a thing and honestly, I personally don’t care.

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Likely yes. But Blizzard doesn’t know where the tipping point actually is. I think this is a grand experiment.

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Shouldn’t be an experiment, should just be a preservation of the old game.

It’s both. Classic is a relatively cheap project but I don’t buy for 1 minute that they are doing it for history’s sake. They will make money with it for sure - but I think it is also a kind of proof-of-concept for future games.

I think they sincerely want to learn why Vanilla worked.

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Well, they’re related because population imbalance generates longer Q’s for the over populated faction.

I know that’s not exactly 1:1, but it’s usually the case.

Trying to keep the factions at least reasonably balanced should be a goal Blizzard has in mind.

I agree that forcing a merge with numbers like you’re talking there would be absurd, but if an imbalance was the situation then open transfers only to the under populated faction to fill the gap if the Q’s for BG’s became a problem on that server but not until they’re an issue.

I am 100% in favor of preserving the community element of the game, but it’s also important to remember that the community extends beyond the world maps, but also into the BG maps…

CRBG’s kill the BG community for the average player… After CRBG’s are implemented the average player will not likely see the same players in a BG again whom he’s vs and even many that he’s with.

Preserving the community aspect of the game in both the world and in the battle ground is very important because those rivalries are part of the experience of PVP, it’s part of the world experience and part of the BG experience equally…

CRBG’s take away parts of that “Fun” element of the PVP experience and the rivalry that goes with it.

That would be a preference, but I haven’t seen widespread opposition specifically towards it, and unless Blizzard says anything we have to work on the assumption it’s in.

I do not disagree.

That is one of the reasons why I oppose cross realm BG’s.

I am hoping for single realm BG’s.


Neither, content is the bg itself and mechanics are carrying the flag from and too place.
CRB is a bandaid or something exist outside of bg mechanics. Probably like friend list or something closer to it.

There’s conflicting desires when it comes to PvP. On one hand, many do not want cross-faction communication.

On the other, they want to know who they are fighting. To get to know their ‘community’ on the other side.

Neither really hits the nail on the head for true battlegrounds. There should be an element of surprise on a battlefield, instead of expectations or, somehow, knowing how the enemy fights because you’ve personally battled them before.

In an ideal situation, CRBG should let you have just enough familiarity with some of your foes, but also have people you have never encountered before. CRBG, though, isn’t really ideal.