Are crafting professions worth starting at all right now?

Gathering is boring to me personally, even though I know it’s the easiest and least effort/time/gold way to make gold in return. But is leveling professions now completely pointless? Will we always be hopelessly far behind everyone else to the point of not even being worth the time/effort/etc?

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If you need some extra gold i would say to take up fishing depending on the server and what you are fishing it can be profitable most of the othe proffessions are money pits

There is no really good catchup mechanism, so I would say don’t bother. At this point I would only take up a crafting profession to help with a guild, if you have an active one.

I have just recently maxed alch/ench and am close with tailoring/eng/inscr/jc, but omg blacksmithing and especially leatherworking take so many knowledge points.

If you want some crafting profession, I would do alch or ench, they are always useful to have and you don’t need to max out to be successful. If you want a tailor to just be able to craft reagents like chronocloth, that doesn’t take a ton to be functional.

But I wouldn’t start any profession at this point with the intention of maxing it anytime soon…

Yes, it is pointless unless you are a completionist.


Going to have to agree here, there is no point when you can throw around 2-4k in tips and easily get everything you would want crafted done this late in the season by using trade chat, guildies, and the work order system.

Recipes are still running almost 100k on my sever for LW (lol) with no work orders to be had for those recipes (lol x2). There are several recipes that have been net losses to me since launch.

The amount that you would have to tip for whatever the premier recipe is for your class/spec next season will be dwarfed by trying to chase points in material costs as you level from 50-100 in most professions.

I have made good money off of LW in season 1, but that was entirely from a generous/understanding community and little competition. Not because the potency of gear that I’m producing was anywhere close to Lariat.

Weapons are also disproportionately strong from BS and scribes this season, because you can grind up materials and brute force good throughput items instead of relying on drops and vault. Scribes are incredibly hard to find on my server though for staff recrafts.

Leather working is broken IMO. I am frustrated with getting recipes and more skill points!

Personally, I would say no. I keep up with multiple professions on a bunch of alts and I still am not caught up after months of weekly quests etc.

Just pick up alchemy and enchanting. Get the pattern for transmute Dracothyst and the patterns for Aspect/Wyrm crests. Then, get the profession equipment that gives Resourcefulness and/or Multicraft. I proc lots of extra Dracothysts on multiple characters weekly for extremely low effort payoff.