Are any bears (particularly mythic raiders) considering swapping to another tank for SL?

I don’t know you, Tewa, or anyone else on these forums because I don’t come to them often. But what’s you’re reasoning behind bear being “not ‘just bad’ in BFA” and Tewa being bad despite being one of only 303 bears (compared to 496 DHs, 575 pallies, and 645 warriors) who’ve killed mythic N’zoth, as well as all of the other mythic bosses.

Bear has been either the least played or second least played in Mythic the entire expansion, at least according to Warcraftlogs parses. Why do you think that is? I don’t want to start an argument with you, I just want to see where you’re coming from.


combination of an underperforming spec along with outdated and uninteresting gameplay.

i like bear tanking because it’s simple and makes sense but not everyone is like that.

Simple. He’s been taking great pain to complain about guardian’s state, often at times with seemingly misinterpreted or flat out false data to back him, throughout the expansion, including and specifically when it was not longer, doing poorly. There’s a big difference between being weak in the first raid, acceptable in the second, and by the third quite find, and “just bad” for the entire thing.

So, two possibilities exist. One, he’s deliberately lying and/or repeating the same old talking points that get attention, for whatever reason he so chooses. Or, he’s simply not good at the spec, which explains his problems.

And mama said it’s bad to call people liars.

Simply put, popularity and capability are not a one to one equation. Correlation does not equal causation. Strong specs are sometimes unpopular, weak specs are sometimes popular. Common enough that simply taking a metric of popularity cannot be a meaningful determining factor in what is and is not strong.

And that’s without mentioning the old, if a spec is 1% stronger, it will be told as though it’s the only viable option, if it’s 1% weaker, it will be claimed that it’s so garbage it may as well not exist.

This doesn’t mean much, when bears did, and have been, clearing in the top 50, and even top 20, when he’s sitting pretty at 1k. I could tank as an enhance shaman at wr 3k a day before the new content comes out, doesn’t mean jack.


Talked to Pumps from the guild Honestly, #15 ranked guild and I asked for his impression on Guardian Druids; as someone who has played Guardian Druid/Brewmaster since MoP these are his thoughts:

  • The legendaries are good and the changes to incarn will make it much stronger, but it still needs things like gcd changes, rage spender for magic damage, conduits that aren’t complete sh%t

  • Yeah incarn reduces ironfur cost by 50% and frenzied regen cooldown by 75% now making it insanely strong

  • Berserk does the same but we will always take incarn in its current iteration: Berserk replaces Incarnation if selected

  • Yeah i think all tanks should have a built in slow

  • Kiting is an integral part of tanking at least in an m+ setting(edited)

  • Part of what made us so strong in legion was the ability to kite so well with balance aff

  • We got very little changes from bfa to shadowlands also which is a bit disappointing

  • I think that’s the frustration from a lot of people who want to get into Guardian

  • We got clone which has 0 pve use and berserk which incarn replaces so literally no difference

  • No real changes from Legion to BFA, same with bfa to SL

  • I think frenzied regen needs to change back to what it used to be

  • No cooldown like ignore pain

  • Maul needs to be changed entirely

  • Our entire talent tree could use a redesign

  • Lunar beam should just be removed and replaced with something else.

  • Bake more into the spec passively like galactic guardian and brambles

  • And then use those slots to open the tree to more variety

  • Maul frenzied regen incarn/berserk all need to be removed from the gcd

  • I’ve only enjoyed playing druid in this final tier of bfa due to it finally being competitive

  • We were severely let down this xpac for the most part with very little changes after the post legion pruning and over nerfs

  • We may not need changes to be middle of the pack tank or to be viable but i believe we deserve a few solid quality of life changes and a boost to the enjoyment of the spec in general would be incredibly healthy for the game

  • Shadowlands has just given us too few changes considering its an entire expansion it does not feel like one

  • Yeah I think they could just make maul give you a magic damage absorb shield for the damage it deals and there you go rage spender for magic damage


For the love of God…
#GuardianDruidsUnite and DESTROY this like button on this mans notes.



He also told me he will post the Wowhead article State of Guardian Druid in Shadowlands in a few weeks.


I can’t say I’m a fan of the tone of your posts. You can correct someone, debate, argue, or share your data and perspective without being antagonistic. We are all human. If you want people to listen, you really do need a little charisma.


Brother i am with you. This has been my toon since the WSG patch, i made it for flag running and never stopped. I have the challenge mode stuff, as well as all the knickknacks one acquires from playing a single toon for so long.

I am just so tired of having so many second or third (or unranked) level specs, and being forced to be resto if i wanted to be accepted into harder content. Bear has been ignored, feral is so much extra work to do middle of the pack dps, and balance is a mess every expansion because of the constant redesigns.

I have a monk/warrior/dh tank lined up (re:460+) and ready to go, depending on the prepatch.


Honestly, you sound a whole lot like Tical… I mean, you’ve practically paraphrased what he said in another thread.

What’s with people posting on alts?

Thanks for your time,


Your spec is not what’s holding you back from harder content.

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Would it be alright if you Discord Message’d me your Druid’s name? I’ve been curious about your character since I don’t see any posts with a Druid name Derez on the EU forums in regards to defending the state of Guardian Druid.



Having tested all the beta fights, I didn’t really feel squishier then the other tank (Pugs though so no clue what level the other tanks were, I was always the one with less deaths).

Things i’d want, conduits completely changed.

  • A conduit that allows thrash to apply slow to mobs so we can kite in dungeons like we used too, and like all tanks other then us have.

  • A damage conduit that interacts with core rotation instead of berserk

  • A defensive conduit that benefits from haste or multiple stacks of ironfur. Like 2nd ironfur stack is 50% stronger then first. This changes gameplay and allows for some fun tricks. Or just reduces rage cost of ironfur to 35 or something to let us have more of them up.

  • A legendary that gives you all affinities (So we could have ursols and typhoon but also all the other neat stuff)



  • Tiger’s dash talent works in bear form
  • Lunar beam utterly reworked or buffed 1000%
  • Soul of the forest makes mangle hit 2 targets

Been on my druid since vanilla, flirted with others this xpack but ended on the Druid. I also have a 120 of every tank class. Would have switched to warrior but not sure of that. It’ll be DK or Paladin. Sad that Blizz doesn’t want to give Bears any love like they do to the other tanks.


I’m sorry, who are you again (besides some douche that hides on a level 11)?


Do you understand what irony is.

Additionally, that’s not disproving my point.

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All of my yes to this. I miss being able to break people’s spines show my affection to other players! :frowning:



We need to keep making noise and posting our concerns for the class spec. Time is of the essence! Most likely large changes won’t come out for the Bear, but if we make enough noise i believe we may at least get the quality of life changes (FR off GCD / Slow incorporated into Thrash somehow). Let Blizzard continue to hear our voice.



I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but the feedback has been given time and time again. If you read through the beta thread, all the fixes/improvements/reworks that could make Guardian amazing are right there staring the dev’s in the face. Same could be said for the BFA development thread. There are people in the community that have been saying the same thing for years and it has been, and continues to be, falling on deaf ears. I do not believe this is a case of not enough feedback, or feedback being visible enough, this is entirely a case of the dev team simply ignoring it, and I don’t have any good thought as to why.


John Galt is an awesome name though.