Are all servers down? 1pm on a Saturday

So they really brought back classic WoW by having servers down all the time. Good memories. :rofl:

It let me log on to Fairbank, so its not every classic server

Good, can finish eating lunch thenā€¦

Some intern tripped over the power cord again. Way to go intern FNG

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Itā€™s all about the immersion is it not? Or at least thatā€™s what I see everyone saying?

Server still down.
Still 51900102

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My point is. The servers themselves are going down for extended periods of time. This time around I again got booted as did a guildie in discord. He is currently back in game and I am still struggling with the login boss again.

Whether its the login servers themselves or not, it has something to do with the login part thats getting effected beyond the server attacks that initially knock people off.

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iā€™m back in

Its external attacks.

Wait, you guys shower? That would lead me to believe you have friends. Thatā€™s wild.


What are friends?

Yes it is.

It a DDOS by UKDrillas

See here:

Heā€™s been attacking all the servers.


Report him on twitter too.

Blizz is gonna drop him so quick, he ruined his life over 10 mins of fame

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I canā€™t log into my retail account either. T_T

Sigh nothing like wanting to come home play a little classic after 10 hour shift to find that the servers are down. DX


whitemane is upā€¦ and workingā€¦ but my server, deviate delight is still fubard :frowning:

thalnos down too.

Go buy a pizza.