Are all pugs GDKP now?

Heyo! I haven’t played my main since phase 2 of classic. Upon returning I was guild hunting and I got offers but all were based around GDKP (I think that’s what it is) I am no fan of that, I like a fair pug run where it’s ML but everyone has a fair chance to roll on loot, that’s why I’ve usually opted into pugging a lot because I don’t like reserve lists or a point system.

Thats just my preference that’s what I like. But I spent the better part of today and could only find GDPK groups which left me disappointed it isn’t how I left classic.

Any suggestions on finding a guild that’s maybe even just casual in raiding, or freshly leveled guys since I assume I can only tank MC Ony and BWL. I would love to experience these raids without having to bid on gear.

Is this auction raid running now the new norm for pugs? If not what are your servers like when it comes to pugging, is it mostly GDKP based?

I have been scouring a few discords just to even find people to play fresh alts with again, not much luck.

I don’t want to run lower dungeons by spending gold it’s not my vibe nor my jam.

Thank you!

The problem with a casual guild is they’re too casual to still exist at this point in Classic’s lifetime. It’s going to be more difficult at this point.

Depends on your server. Most PvE servers will have guilds that host Soft Reserve or ML MS > OS runs for earlier content, and even Naxx. For example, the server I play on, Remulos, the guild Eternals does weekly MC, BWL, and ZG pugs with a SR system. While there is another guild whose name eludes me right now, that does a Naxx PuG and buff train. There is also Soklin GDKP runs, though those don’t interest me.

Its a server by server basis. I was in a BWL pug tonight… no gdkp. The forums are a terrible place to get this kind of advice.


Ahh yeah I figured that haha, thank you ill look elsewhere.

Reddit isn’t much better. You’re more likely to find out this kind of information on your servers discord. There is a post about the sulfuras discord here:

Apparently, it has 8k people. As I am not on Sulfuras I have no idea if this is the actual discord or not. Just wanna put that out there. Might be a good place to start your search though.

Join on Atiesh, if you’re interested.

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Gross reddit