Ardenweld Feels Too Night Elfy for a druid zone

Hunters are pretty close to Druids thematically.

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Would feel more “Horde” if it were on fire?


Spikes. It needs more spikes.

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Thorns are nature’s spikes.


Saying Ardenwald is night elf themed is like saying Jungles are troll themed. That’s a broad spectrum there. Elves like magical forests, doesn’t mean every magical forest is elf themed.

Personally, however, I’d prefer if Ardenwald looked like a forest in the fall/winter instead of a mythical forest. We already have a mythical forest, the ED. Shadowlands is about death, and fall/winter is when the forest growth comes to a halt.

Having a place so lively in the realm of death just feels odd, especially considering what they could have done instead. I’ll enjoy either way tbh


Those leaves have a tinge of copper color. Clearly Ardenweald is a Blood Elf zone, now. It’s basically just Eversong.


Actually the leaves are the same color as Drustvar’s. All of them! Yes even the ones in the other parts of Ardenweald are copper Drustvar leaves.

Ardenweald is a Drust Zone… Of course we knew that from the beginning…

Aredenweald atleast has stories that are tied atleast some part back to Azeroth. They’re is a decent variety of different influences from different groups to make it interesting enough.

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Silly Yven. All trees with a warm color palette belong to the Blood Elves, just like all trees with a cool color palette belong to the Night Elves.

The Drust are just tacked on in a cheap attempt to say they gave Kul Tiran players some content.


How do you worship deities who are likely to be enemies to eachother both at once?

Honestly I am a bit over druidy zones. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate on druidism or anything but seem almost compulsory with one druid related thing every other expansion. It doesn’t help that they lack much variety. Most druidy zones tend to look pretty much the same as the next one. Hyjal was a bit different since it was on a mountain but at the very least they could go for a bit more diversity in the types of forest.


Well … you have different options then, for example that barren wasteland Maldraxxus. I find it extremely boring and unpleassing.

The only zone that does interest me is Ardenweald. Fun fact: I would have never even considered playing SL without it.

So what does it tell us: There is a huge faction of players who like elves and who like beautyfull zones and forests. And that is why it keeps getting implemended.
It’s not like it is the only zone in the expansion but it is one.

What I don’t like is the linar leveling path. I would have prefered to just skip all the other zones since they are of no interest for me.

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Way to overblow statement out of proportion. OP meant that it’s yet another “enchanted fearie forest” which is a theme mostly associated with nelves. Not that every zoe that has trees in it is elf zone by default. Don’t act obtuse.

I was also voicing my disappointed that it’s just another generic fearie forst, with enchanted deers and unicorns with it, when nature itself is far more diverse than that.
And what annoys me too is that once again european myths are taken once more instead of taking inspiration from cultures that actually have reincarnation theme explored.

Emerald Nightmare is more inclusive when it comes to “nature theme” than Fearie Land.
And imo it should have plains, tundra-like climate, swamps /jungle, desert, and regular forests. So everyone could find something for themselves. And each creature would fit there.
It’s really not that hard to understand.


And people like it.
You have just had a full expansion of diverse Troll forests and jungles and swamps and highlands and stuff like that…

What is wrong?!
Now we have a fairy forest. We never had one before. Emerald dream is completely different and the last NE zone that was added to the game (If you count Valsharah as emrald dream) was in classic.


The thing is that it’s repetitive. And this is supposed to be Death Realm that is about reincarnation.

I’d rather if it borrowed from hinduistic mythos than germanic. Why not go full Bizzare? But nope, have fearies, stags and unicorns again. :confused:


The Emerald Nightmare’s theme is red, black, and spikes (which sounds familiar, now that I say that :thinking:). You just get to use its hi-jacked Dream portals to visit mesas, and boreal forests, and so on.

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Because Fairies and mysterious forests are for exmaple irish folklore and death and banshees are weaven into that.
It suites perfectly fine for a death realm.

Every culture on earth had their own religion and afterlife ideas, Blizz decided on one that was inspired by irish, celts and germanic.
Nothing wrong with it. Just a different taste.

And people like fairies and unicorns.


In Emerald nightmare you go visit various domes. You go to Northrend, so the tundra climate. You go Moonglade/ Emerald dreemway as regular enchanted forest,- you go to Mulgore, so to plains, and to Un’Goro- the jungle.

This is what I meant.

Fearies aren’t associated with reincarnation. Celtic themes were already explored via nelf culture to some extend. Hence why people asked for something else. I think that Hinduistic themes would be very refreshing and aesthetically be more inclusive. So Tauren, Pandaren, Trolls and Nelves and even orcs could feel more welcome in there.


I really don’t get it.
Oribos is basically wide plains of grass and winds.
Ardenweald is a forest that even has more Troll stuff in there than NE stuff.

You just don’t want to see the picture. You are so stuffed with your view you neglect and deny anything else to preserve your predefined view.
But that view is fundamently wrong and it has been pointed out several times now.


Oribos is a city - you must’ve meant the Kyrian land.
But nope. I meant what I meant - I am tired of fearie forests and I’d like something truly new. I am so annoyed that I’d kick unicorn in it’s magical butt and see how far it can fly over the rainbow.

And I really dislike Tooth Fearie design. They want me to believe it’s one of the “First ones” lol. ok. At least they could’ve create something less generic and laughable.

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