Ardenweald questing storyline

Since noone seems to have posted it yet, here you go:


I only have one complaint. And a miniscule one, at that.

Given the nature of the Drust, Gorak Tul should have been able to subvert his eleventeen deaths/defeats in BfA to return to lead the Drust in Ardenweald. It would have been a nice carry over from BfA. And I actually have some sort of investment in him, instead of Gorak Never Heard Of You Before.


Alpha is alpha. Maybe Blizzard is willing to change that.

True enough. But the fact the new leader has his own name, Gorak Varr, makes me think it’s pretty set. But, who knows? I noticed they changed the model of Azeroth’s Demise from a genesaur to one of those skeletal Nightmare Dragons from Legion.

(Commentary): I’m a little sad Ysera won’t be able to return to Azeroth. I suppose it’s Blizzard’s way of making her death stick. I wonder what she’ll do in Ardenweald though? Obviously she’d try to protect it, but at the same time, I can’t help but wonder if she might have a specific role.

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The Drust are planar beings now, bound to their cursed realm of Thros. Gorak Tul died in Thros, which means his soul is toast. Trying to free themselves of the fate of being bound to Thros forever is why they are invading to begin with.

I am more interested in Gorak Varr… is ‘Gorak’ a family name of some sort? or a title like ‘King’?

I imagine that Ysera is going to be taking on the role as a Droman eventually, leading a reestablished grove as the Drust enslaved/killed several of them in their invasion efforts.


Thanks for this head up and looks like Tyrande and Vol’jin questlines are going to be faction specific content at max level. Sweet news!


I could swear I had heard that before but no-one would believe me :man_shrugging:t4:


blizzard has unfortunately always delivered a bad performance by focusing on more than one character, I hope the Tyrande/Vol’Jin story doesn’t suffer from this.

if this happens let me say:
I would prefer a good presentation of one thing - properly elaborated - instead of two half-baked stories.

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My guess would be title. We have no information on Gorak Tul having an heir. Or on his family in general. Though I suppose heirs from nowhere is ground that Blizzard has tread before.

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I believe you

Same here, I hope we see the same focus in both and the least Blizzard can do comparing their atrocitous writing in the recent 2 expansions.

I’m on the same boat with that but considering there isn’t a war campaign and the storylines are limited in this expansion, I can see a good focus with both characters.

It would seem that the devs have trouble multi tasking. As in being about to even write story lines for 2 different important leaders.

Both would have deserved a strong performance.

Where did you see that lol cause what is as is they are part of content for joining the night fae and you do both

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I’m very disappointed with that promised Tyrande stuff. I was hoping for some kind of resolution or rebuilding of the race, instead we just get shown how bad of a leader Tyrande is, how she abandons her people and then dies in the maw.

Well should’ve expected that to be fair.

There’s no indication that they will be faction specific. All we’ve seen so far is that both are part of the Night Fae Campaign quests.


When are they going to show us Maldraxxus’s storyline?..

Ysera coming back is one of interesting Points in Ardenweald. I hope they update her model through.