Arcturis Spawn Timer

Not sure how many other hunters have or still working on taming Arcturis but I got him tonight at 11:31pm server time (Central Time Zone) at 31 / 57. I have no idea what the spawn times are but he spawned tonight at 11:31pm.
Hope it helps another Hunter tame him :grinning:

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I think it’s 6-12h, but I had camp 2 months just to get him because of cross over server. If you had join other LFR it might zone you out and the timer might change.

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Pretty quick I think. Was there first time I looked and is usually up if I’m in that area.

I accidentally killed him…Now I wait again.


I’ve camped this pet at least 5 times. 6-24 hours. Tough tame on populated servers due to static spawn point. Happy hunting.

Tamed at 841am eastern time and 543 Server time on Deathwing

Tamed at 841am eastern time and 543 Server time on Deathwing

Spawn times change every week, so that info goes stale quickly.
Back in 2015 Arcturis spawned every 3 hours like clockwork, but now it is much longer and more random. The 6 to 24 hour timer agrees with what I have observed lately. Arcturis is a challenge, I think Loque’nahak and King Krush are easier tames to achieve.