Archon > Oracle for Disc

Looking at this tree, all I can think of is that this tree would be better on disc than oracle by a mile. Would it not make more sense to just remove the oracle tree since I haven’t found a single person who wants to play that dumpster fire and then just make archon available to all specs?

My suggestion would just be to make:

  • Perfected form do either increased absorb from luminous barrier or increased healing out of PW: Barrier.

  • Sustained Potency would just change to make it so halo increases the duration of your atonement extension when casting evangalism or store increase atonement extension for your next evangalism.

  • Resonant energy changes to be halo makes the enemies take 5% increased damage and allies take 5% increased healing

  • Heightened alteration shouldnt exist as a choice node as none of the defensives for any priest spec will out perform a double value fort.

  • Energy cycle reduces the CD of rapture

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