The quests to unlock the rank 5 and rank 6 ‘casual’ gear are both gated behind Tier 6 rep with Archivist Codex. In addition, rank 5 takes Renown 61 and rank 6 takes Renown 75.
Is this a bug? It would seem much more logical to have the rank 5 upgrade gated behind Tier 5 rep? Otherwise, by the time we grind out Tier 6 rep (unless that’s all we do all day, every day), we’ll already be Renown 75 and just upgrade to rank 6, skipping rank 5?
Or if this is ‘working as intended’ can a dev please explain the logic they used to make both require tier 6 rep with different Renown levels (that we’ll likely max out before we get the rep)???
I agree. This really doesn’t make sense. Given how long it will take most people to hit Tier 6, we will already be at Renown 75. So it will be basically a jump from Rank 4 to 6. It the mean time, we have been stuck at rank 4 for last two months. This needs to be adjusted to get rank 5 at Tier 5.
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SO annoyed by this I just walked away in disgust.
Working through Archivist Tier 4 because all my gear is upgraded. Finally at Tier 5 rep and believe that all is well because the equipment upgrade button said I needed to be at Tier 5. So now I am after weeks of casual play,
Now the tool tip has changed. Now it requires me to buy an item that can’t be purchased until you are TIER 6. So WTF is Tier 5 for anyway?
I’ve cancelled my subscription before because Blizzard seems to want to suck ALL the fun from this game.
And apparently devs are ignoring this issue.
Well, you’re complaining in the wrong forum, so that’s a problem.
But if the tooltip and the behavior are consistent, what’s the bug? It’s doing exactly what the developers intended it to do, so there is literally nothing to fix.