Archived for sanity

Just be honest, you don’t care if Blizzard rewards your loyalty, you’re just mad because of “streamer privilege” but you have to get this concept through your skull, Streamers have huge platforms to promote a game Blizzard desperately needs to succeed and “influencers” are just the perfect vehicle. There’s probably just a handful of them running around doing their thing, the rest are just regular testers but the fact is, not everyone can get in, the server would just implode with that many people and actual testing would become impossible.


Hilarious that you mention ego when you’ve made a thread like this.

The lack of self-awareness exhibited in these threads is astounding.


A very small fraction of invites went to streamers and even if they didnt get invited you still more than likely wouldnt have been invited.

You are owed NOTHING.

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the fact any went to streamers is what irks them.

is this the mmo version of a niceguy/incel?

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they only care about your sub and what you buy from the store thats it.they care more about streamer exposure then anything else right now.

thats just facts dont play if you dont like it.

your talking to people who send out free gifts for the 10 year only to have it end up on ebay

I’m a 2004 player, not a streamer, and i am in the beta.

Millions of people played vanilla, getting invited is 95% random, 5% friends/family/streamer. Don’t be salty, friend.

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It’s a god damn beta… not the actual game.

It blows my mind you group of complainers care so much about not getting in and being entitled to it.

The actual game will be available to you… you will get to play… everything will be fine.

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Sadly a large portion of the player base has battered woman syndrome to the point that they are not only willing to bend over and take whatever Blizzard throws at them, but they will actually defend the slimy business practices of Activision-Blizzard.
Among other factors you can thank this complacency for the sorry state of retail. Why develop good content when you can just exploit your customers and let them defend you while you do it?

Jesus …pass the tissue box around. “Cry Fest” It’s marketing, idiot.

Literally millions of people played during vanilla. Everyone can’t get it. The 20-50 streamers in existence aren’t keeping you out.

Enough of this “Blizzard doesn’t care” nonsense.

Well, if you played during vanilla like all of you claim you did, you’d remember that community websites were commonly guaranteed a beta invite so that they could use them to market the expansion. All that’s changed is that Blizzard moved away from community websites and started looking at streamers. They’re handling this beta exactly the same way they handled the TBC beta which was going on around 1.12. #nochanges


There has been logic and sound comments throughout the entire Classic forum… and it doesn’t stop the whining.

This group will never stop. There is always something wrong. Will always feel slighted.

millions of people played vanilla. they aren’t going to invite millions of people into the classic beta. streamers serve a different purpose than those who actually played vanilla who got the invite. inviting streamers for advertisement and to build up hype is good for the game. you should be happy, not salty. in august, we all get to play

Do you really want to ruin your nostalgia experience on a beta test server? Is the vanilla experience ruined by having people who played a lot of vanilla test out the beta server? Who were the ones testing out the game pre launch when vanilla first came out?

Here’s the thing. Without Streamers, we wouldn’t see any gameplay footage from Beta. It would be essentially quiet and invisible. And you say “Oh well, beta participants could stream it.” Which is exactly what is happening.

You’re just bitter because they invited people whose role is to entertain a larger audience, so that they could keep the invites small.

Nope they don’t, I’ve been asking for Classic servers since way before the Nost controversy and giving well detailed posts on how it could be done and the costs vs profit associated with it and now I don’t even get a beta invite because I didn’t buy a lottery ticket.

Activision-Blizzard doesn’t care.

The entitlement of many of you is astounding. You believe you are entitled to get into the beta for one reason or another. You are not. It’s up to Blizzard and they will choose based on marketing and then it’ll be random. Deal with it and stop acting like a small child having a tantrum because mom won’t buy them a candy bar “right this instant” but tells them they can have one later instead.

…do you think you’re the only person who’s been asking for Classic since before the Nost stuff? That’s not a particularly rare position to be in. If they invited everyone who fits that description they’d have too many accounts in the beta.

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