Archimonde Alliance Reconnections

Hey man we are doing a guild for Classic and we need you! Hit us up! Tron#12317 Stalagg server

Thatpaladin, wasnt much into guilds early on but I played with Blakedagreat/Blakethegreat who always played warrior.

Tristie - Nelf - Hunter
The Shiny Ones, BiP (Still in guild)
I raided on a Nelf Druid, Aspartame, as well.

Good luck to anyone trying to find people from the past.


Terrible human paladin, Jessrond.
Only remember one name, Canuhduh or something like that. I left in early 2006.

Artee - Gnome Warlock in Oinland

awesome seeing all these archi guild names again =)


DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has a small group getting the gang back together if anyone is out there, or if any returning players need a home.

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Hargoth, Dwarf Warrior from The Seraphim. Also played with the Relentless / Misfits folks on occasion.

Looking for The Haunted!! This is Malicus, just wondering if any of you guys are here from shadowbane =)

Burn the house down

Joeseph - NE hunter. Was raid leader for TehFBI and Phoenix. Good times back then :smiley:

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I remember you Jared. I was Ramen the gnome warlock in Templar Knights. Freshly rerolled from horde around the start of AQ and into Naxx progression. Good times!

Hey there Jared and others. Rohnin from MisFits (Vanilla & TBC), Templar Knights (in TBC/WotLK), and The Seraphim Empire (WotLK-now) here. I didn’t see any TK members during closed beta, but many MisFits are reforming. I believe we raided together (along with some TSO, TSE, PfB, and many others) in Vanilla during very early MC until TK had enough members to split off on their own. Anyhoo, we’re open for any OGs that are returning for some chill raiding/world PVP fun.

Will update with server name once the list is released and one is chosen. Current thinking is first PVP server alphabetically (how we initially landed on Archimonde).


Interesting but I don’t remember you. Are you friends with Beast/Lakemen?

Either way, I played the priest named ‘Uma’ in MisFits and Relentless prior to us transferring to Dethecus.

There are lot of familiar guild names in this thread which is cool to see!


Hey, I was in Pantheon back during BWL, had to quit about half way through, I was a NE Rogue named Infinix. I remember one of the guild Officers, the guy who looked after the bank was called Trafalgar, he was a warlock i believe and possibly a gnome. Also had a friend named Elethiel i believe was his name, be great to hear from him if he still exists lol. Oh i was also in Sacred Silver Blades, and i think they still exist.

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Tsuki, resto druid. Did MC with Anxiety and PVP grind with Doo and the DP (dream patrol lol). Back for Gloomily drama.

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come on now, honor the braves @)----)-----

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Hi friends, Ithrig, male dwarf paladin, looking for people from Dogma, Stasis, Damage Networks before the open transfer to Mug’thol or afterwards.

Played alliance with Eternal Knights as Yumago Dwarf Hunter
Later Played Horde with Final Destiny as Yumohgo / Deathangell until we died during WOD

Group of us are coming back for classic. Hit us up on Discord @ discord dot gg/Q2BnyAq or Amonstr#4417 or on battlenet @ Yumohgo#1576

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Hey Hickups,

I played male dwarf warrior named Ovet with Damage Networks from release to AQ40. You connect with any of the other Damage Networks peeps. Pooty and I are planning to play for release.

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Our old crew is the “last seen online 8 years ago” meme. Where the hell did everyone disappear to?


Bragennix of Ascend, lots of familiar names in here :smiley:

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