Character: Tombraida (Human Female Warlock)
Guild: Eternal Knights and Catastrophe
Looking for the following players: CoolTang, Gavok, Jarrett, and other Catastrophe/EK members.
I am currently playing on Whitemane under Multiforus (dwarf priest).
Character: Tombraida (Human Female Warlock)
Guild: Eternal Knights and Catastrophe
Looking for the following players: CoolTang, Gavok, Jarrett, and other Catastrophe/EK members.
I am currently playing on Whitemane under Multiforus (dwarf priest).
Yo Jared! I was in TK as Slimz, Rogue. I was there when we all first started MC. All the painful nights when Rag wouldn’t die. Lol. I stopped playing once you guys transferred. Sent you a request from Zxcvbnm#11396!
Lots of old names here!
Jettared - Hunter DoD, LoD, Anarchy, Sippin Haterade
Mueden - Rogue Sippin Haterade
Yo bro Rangos here whats up
Rangos here was in LoD, Anarchy, Sippin haterade, and negative bro.
I ain’t playing Classic, but I am curious to see who’s in here.
Heyyyyyyyyy I remember you.
Recognized quite a few names in here, if anyone wants to add me DonkeyBandit#1224. I started playing classic few months ago on Netherwind.
Bandiago from Relentless/Misfits too. I recognize guild name Not Recruiting but not sure if that was a guild I was in or just one on the server
TRISTIE! I can’t believe I didn’t know this forum thread existed. I was using a 3rd party site to try to find TSO people for Classic launch. I also can’t believe you’re still in the BIP guild! Do you plan to play SoM?
apparently I don’t know how to use the forums. Replying again from my main character
Is this Quissy as in Quissy the priest from TSO?
Logikal- Gnome mage full tier 2.
Was in FoE ,Berzerk and was GM of Status.
Looking for since of the guys I used to play with. I remember some of their names.
Pivi aka Lidar male NE rogue.
Galadriol female NE preist.
Leviathan male NE hunter.
Alot of others i have since forgot their names sadly…
We used to world PVP alot… ton of fun times.
I played chessy with you guys but not wow BigballerG in UO…[i know cringe name]
I am part of a guild called The Horde Slayers (2007-Present) that was at its peak popularity during Wrath of The Lich King.
I was the son of the co-founder Chicostacos, and friends with the other co-founder, Shadow. I have connections with many of the original group of guildies, but I have always been curious if anyone else remembers seeing us walking around or have worked with us/been a part of our community.
We weren’t the biggest guild by any means, but I know we had quite a large group of people at our peak.
Honestly shocked to think we finally have a Wrath Classic.
I’m late to the party—I just found this thread while looking for something entirely different. XD
If anyone still creeps here:
Nashi—NE druid Burnination/Ascend
Didn’t we used to call you Iggy? lol
I remember you! Teric, from Dawn of War! Were you in The Great White Ninjas?
Replying from my main, incase anyone sees this.
Omg I wish I saw this sooner! I didnt play SoM unfortunately and only put a little time into Classic due to work at the time.
Synth informed me elsewhere that this reply existed!
I’m pretty stunned and amazed that you were still around to be honest!
I actually have been putting in time in FFXIV these days.