Archeology Odds

Just curious on other peoples experience so far with the level 85 epic archeology finds, I am just about to hit 200 troll solves and 150 dwarf solves but still no luck. I know some people get it extremely early and some never do.

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Level 85 epics are generally accepted to be 1%

I kind of wish Blizzard would release some more detail on Archeologoy workings - why some items seem to be unavailable currently etc. There is a lot of misinformation out there that is causing a lot of wasted player time. Though I doubt they care about that.

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In total I’m up to 300 solves all done in Eastern Kingdom and just because of how hard it is to get dwarf solves… it’s like 80% troll. I have all non-item rares except for the spooky Nerubian puzzle cube thing. I have not seen a single level 85 epic.

However, a guy on my server got the Fossil epic shield (he has no tanks). He also wanted to inform me he had just gotten his Digger achievement and figured at this pace he’ll have the staff before he gets Diggerest.

I remember the devs saying during the last Cata launch that they made the 359 epics droprate low enough that it wasn’t worth farming for them.

That said, original cata didn’t have a three week prepatch…

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I also got the Fossil shield on the 2nd day of prepatch fairly quickly after hitting 450, but since then it has been a mindless grind. Seeing that Cata has a bad reputation with a fair bit of the community, I was hoping they would potentially increase these items drop rates, not by a crazy amount but if they confirmed it would be like 2-3% rather than the 1% or lower than people have theorized over the years it would help my mental.
Not that archeology is a reason that it was disliked, I personally love Cata, but I was hoping this would be one of the quality of life changes for the many people who want to farm out the prebis items and not spend months doing so.

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is there any addon that shows me which faction the current digsite belongs to

Minimal Archeology but its kind of buggy at the moment, Gathermate will also make them appear on the world map when you go into the zone.

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thanks man

If you are after a specific kind of faction digsite you would still want to clear all of them in order to get more spawns.

My buddy did 3 Troll solves at 450 and got Zin’rokh. I just had it pop today after 118.

Thank you, this post just saved me a bunch of time because I was going to start Archaeology tonight but now I’m not.

I should have said 118 total. I don’t know how many I did at 450, probably around 90. It’s still a grind that isn’t worth doing for the average person. It’ll be nice to have for a couple of weeks and then many people will have an equivalent weapon or better.

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I’m constantly tabbing and doing it on two characters at 450, i’m not a ton in about 100 troll 75 dwarf 50ish fossil. No luck yet, don’t really like that the ones you can solve are specific to character would much rather have just not seen any rares at all leveling the second time than seeing all the ones I already got.

I’d argue the total opposite, the grind is MOST useful to the average player. The average player is not a raider of any serious calibre, just using a scanner addon in Dalaran shows you the vast majority of people walk around in gear from dungeons and badge vendors, beyond some drops from maybe the first 1/2 bosses in raids (only being done because they’re joining the weekly kill quest groups). Those weapons are going to last those non-raiders a LOT longer because they aren’t the ones replacing it the week the first raid opens. They’ll probably use it the entire first phase. The only thing that competes with Zin’rokh in the first phase for a non-raider is the likely obscenely expensive crafted sword, and unlike that crafted sword Zin can sent between your Pally, DK and Warrior freely.

Cataclysm is stingy as hell for casual alts compared to WotLK. You aren’t badging yourself into 10 man raid gear and full tier sets, JP vendors suck hard in Cata and VP is held back hard from non-raiders. Those players will be scraping off dungeon pieces and crafted items until LFR opens in the last tier.

Simply put, the mileage non-raiders get off Archaeology epics is way higher than sweats looking for a temporary for a while 1 lockout.

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I have the Fossil shield (Extinct Turtle Shell), got that fairly quickly after hitting 450 and I just got the Dwarf Staff (Staff of Sorcerer Thane-Thaurissan) after 35-40 solves (including leveling solves) but I held off on solving Dwarven ones the real test is the Night Elf one for the trinket.

I’ve been doing it for 8 hours a day since prepatch launch, i have no idea how many solves, but all I’ve gotten are the shield, ashzara’s dress, and the raptor mount. Definitely seems that the odds of certain items have been tinkered with. I haven’t met anyone in game with zinrohk or the healer trinket yet. The shield seems to be the most common, almost as if it was increased on purpose to promote more people going tank in p1.


we have 4 dolls in my guild, 2 of the staffs and 2 shields, no sword

I dont like you. Lmao

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Same I have been going for 8-10 hours a day over 200 troll solves now and 160ish~ dwarf solves. Have every Fossil rare except the dino hatchling but I don’t believe its in the game for some reason.