While tanking this fight in 20 Darkheart Thicket I encountered a bug where regardless of where I stood I was taking Nightfall damage (from the red goo that spawns out of the abominations). I could be in a completely clear area, but continued to take the damage - 18M damage over the fight while the boss only did 12M melee damage to put that in perspective.
Yes, also this happened to me.
Not sure if this is actually true or if it was coincidence and application is just random but both times it got on me when I went near the gate at the edge of the arena, and then wouldn’t fall off. (edit: was coincidence)
Further testing showed you can remove it by running into a patch and back out.
Same bug here in the whole instance. Once I take any damage from nightfall, it seems to just stick on and never drop. I picked up the debuff on the two mobs after the first bear and carried it all the way to the second boss. It dropped off once I died to the second boss, but the whole time it just kept ticking away damage.
Sorry it was on this toon that it would just never drop off. Took damage from it in the boss fight and it would just double tick and then when you got out, it would go back to a single tick, but still be hitting no matter where I stood.
I just ran a +24 DHT and I had the same bug (on Prot Warr). Group was mad at me but I knew I wasn’t crazy
on this toon here
Bricked a couple keys for me, as well. Same issue…tank stuck with debuff, can’t drop till death.
extra tyranical affix this must be, taking constant ground effect damage from the 1st boss was very hard to tank
Just happened to me as well. Replying for visibility.