Archaeology - Bring it back

Blizzard, discontinuing Archaeology after its poor showing in BfA is inexcusable. It is one of my favorite aspects of World of WarCraft. When I discovered that you had completely left Archaeology out of the Shadowlands, my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

Going forward, please include a robust Archaeology update with each and every new expansion, and don’t just abandon Shadowlands. Come back and revisit Shadowlands in the future and add an archaeology system with an artifact/antique table for each of the four covenants.



They had a great opportunity to reintroduce it with Korthia and… THE ARCHIVIST… but noooooo…

They better bring it back next expansion!


We have the Archivist Codex. Its like archeaology, but I can spell it.


They will bring it back next expac. But it will have lackluster rewards like it did in BFA.

I think they should bring it back and rework proffesions overall. Endgame is too focused on the “three pillars” of pvp,M+ and raids. I don’t mean make professions competitive with those in terms of power but something akin to ff14 or ESO would be great.


/shudders at the thought of how much grinding and RNG would be included in the SL version of archaeology, not to mention the new rep grind and two new currencies they would include with it

/moo :cow:

Frankly, I hope that the people who made all those decisions to leave things out and only develop certain systems half-way in BfA and SL got fired or quit with all the staffing changes.

I don’t know that whoever replaces them will be any better, but I certainly hope so. For the love of Thrall, this game needs developers who care.

If Blizzard staffed their development team with the same quality of people as their art and music teams, we would be golden.

Archaeology renown. Every solve has a 5 percent chance to grant you a renown point. At 105 renown you can begin a solve for a toy you won’t use. At renown 1050 you can attempt to unlock a solve for a quest that leads to a weekly that has a 5 percent chance to drop a mount.


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I mean, it’s more fun than the nothing we got.


I miss Arch too, I capped it on more than a couple characters (gotta fill them bars!). I don’t need it to be any fancier than it was when it was originally launched. Give me a fun couple of toys, maybe a pet/mount/title or two to gun for, or maybe some kind of QoL perk (portal to some annoying-to-get-to spot). I’ll catch em all.

I don’t need the goofy bi-weekly quest; you can miss me on those.


I’m going to temp at Blizzard.


We need you, Moob. Bring back the glory days!


i wish they’d innovate the profession a bit more. make it more fun to go out and do somehow, and add more secret lore items!

another wasted opportunity to tell their story without the use of external things like books we don’t want to read


+1 , need archeology back for every expansion it was neglected , we want toys , mounts and cosmetics!


I’d crack out the scenario system to be honest, as a means to capstone a redone archaeology profession. We could have small scenarios exploring some archaeological significant site providing a loresplosion and transmog drops.

You could have some kind of chamber beneath Castle Nathria where a host of particularly sinful…ghosts? are kept. Some lore, some puzzles, some mobs. Nothing too challenging that isn’t related to the imminent Zovaal death of the universe but still interesting. Or something.

I wonder if it will end up going the way of first aid. Seems like they just want people to forget about it so they can remove it.

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if they’re heading in a different direction with the game now it might be possible. I’m not sure how many people they had assigned to systems, but maybe some of them will be able to work on other areas in the game.

This is with the assumption that future expansions will be less systems heavy in content though


I ask because Blizz has commented on it

Archaeology is entirely linked to the artifacts of Azeroth. Nothing new for this secondary profession in Shadowlands to be expected.

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So I imagined all the Archaeology I did in Outland/Draenor? Amazing.

Anyway, thanks for linking that, I’ll edit the OP.


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