Archaeology Bad Luck Protection

Legion’s legendary system was originally intended to provide an eventual guarantee of a drop through continued time investment. While it turned out it was implemented poorly and didn’t work, maybe the original intention of the system could work for Archaeology.

Why not increase the chance of a rare solve for a race by 0.5% (or more, or less) per solve to reduce the tedium?

It would still allow for decent interaction with the profession while not seeing insane time investment for incredibly bad luck that a lot of people are now experiencing.

We’re speedrunning Cataclysm as it is, we don’t have months to farm.


This is badly needed. Please consider this Blizzard


PLEASE!! PLEASE implement this. I was 40 hours in before getting my first 359 and it’s not even for the spec I main. This is just not fun gameplay, but I feel obligated to do it for my raid team.


I mean, that doesn’t sound like fun or healthy gameplay either…

But yes, I agree. Bad luck protection should be a staple for pretty much everything.

The epics are just a possible bonus from doing archeology. If you’re only doing it for a sword that will be obsolete just stop.


Who really wants it for the sword? There’s much more to archaeology than that.

There’s a staff as well.

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Reminiscent of 9.1 interview where the team was horrified at how much players would rake themselves over the coals for a power increase. (Gem sockets from korthia rep)

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I mean, nothing fills a void like more power.

Why else would one do archaeology? For the gold? You can make more by farming low level dungeons and vendoring the junk. For fun? Yeah it was fun for the first hour or so, after that it becomes an unrewarding braindead activity. Honestly feels like something that belongs in Runescape, not WoW.


if all you’re raiding for is some gear that becomes obsolete then why even raid?

why even get prebis either? those become obsolete as well.

heck, why bother leveling a character when the next expansion will come around and make that obsolete by increasing max level


Hey, some people don’t like archaeology. Personally, I dig it.


If raiding for you isn’t fund you shouldn’t raid either.

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They missed the mark on archaeology to be honest. It could have been something really cool and fun, even put in past things – like a super rare find in DF that is mimiron’s head but they didn’t. Don’t they drop it around Legion or something?

PS: Yes, I got your joke :smiley:

I wouldn’t even mind there being a cap on the bad luck protection, stop it at 20%. It would still be less soul-crushing than some of the sad stories on Wowhead comments on Zin’rokh. There are people with 1800+ solves and no sword.

We’re seeing the beginning of that grind and we’re only a week into the prepatch.

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the funny thing is, is that its worse than a runescape grind because it gives basically nothing and has no finish line or drop rates, its complete luck


I am in favor of this, 100%, really needed, having to do over 300 artifacts to get just one of the items, and one of that I will probably never use sucks.

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it wouldn’t be that damn bad if the dig sites you wanted actually showed up, i have went 15+ dig sites and not a single dwarf dig site spawn, 1 roll an hour to hope to get a weapon is just insane


Made worse because Pterrordax isn’t available. Saw a guy with 1k total solves. 250+ were fossil. That could have easily been +100 to Dwarf or Troll if it was working.

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What continent are you farming on? I farm in eastern kingdoms trying to farm for Zinrohk, and all i get are dwarf digsites.

thats where im at, dwarf digsites just never spawn for me, i rarely get 2 dwarf digsites back to back, its 1 in 10-12 digs