(apologies if this is in the wrong section but i thought “general discussion” would be good enough)
I just finally breezed through the Insurrection storyline for Suramar on my way to get one of the prettiest kittiest mounts and saw an alternative way to get it (instead of fighting Guldan, etc) involved rolling a Nightborne character.
The question is, if I go through the effort of unlocking Nightborne, make an alt, and get my pretty kitty, will the mount disappear if I delete the alt or is it with me forever and ever once I obtain it?
once a mount is learned it’s permanent to your account. deleting the character who got it won’t remove it from your account
Sweet! Thank you very much!
The manasaber you get from Suramar and the manasaber nightborne get are NOT the same. They look completely different, one can fly, the other cannot(nightborne’s racial mount is land only). Get both, you can use arcanist on alliance.
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To expand on this the quest line manasaber isn’t faction locked like the Nightborne racial mount is.
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And you need to finish the campaign to unlock the race anyway…
If you feel like spending Blizzard Balance or real money, you can also buy a similar one in the shop:
Just go kill gul’dan. You can solo it in normal. Well on some classes anyway…