There are several magical forces, along with the physical force, that exist in the WoW universe. Not only are there the 6 cosmic forces and 6 elements, there’s also a massive combination of those magics in the form of sub-schools.
In addition to the sum of these magics (plus physical), there’s multiple ways to utilize them. There’s Tanking [T], Healing [H], and two forms of Damaging (Ranged [R] and Melee [M]).
Listing all the magic-role combinations that are available would be quite long, so I’m just going to list the ones that are missing.
Physical: H
Light: R
Void: T, H
Arcane: T, M
Fel: H
Life: NA
Death: H, R
Since Arcane is one of my favorite cosmic forces, tied with Light and Void, I want to start with briefly outlining that force first since there’s already a related thread that was recently posted.
Arcane Warden
The basic concept for this class comes from Spellbreakers and Spellblades. Without a doubt, this would be a new shield class that would be used for both of their specs (tanking and dpsing). Inspiration comes from:
One of the unique aspects this class would feature is how their resource (Mana) would be utilized and managed. Mana would serve a duel purpose of being used to power their abilities, and also function as a minor link to their health.
The more mana the Arcane Warden has, the more natural damage reduction would be granted to them. As they take damage, that damage would mostly result in mana loss with some health loss. Arcane Wardens would have abilities to generate more mana for themselves which would restore their passive mitigation and “health”. Healing done to the Arcane Warden would be mostly converted into restoring their mana pool with some going towards restoring their true health.
As mentioned, they’d use a shield and then could use essentially any one-hander weapon alongside it. This would also be a great opportunity to grant another class access to Glaives as both Spellbreakers and Spellblades have been shown to use them.
I’m no class designer so I really just wanted to outline the concept rather than going into depth on actual abilities. Additionally, I wanted to get it out there as a primer to push the concept quickly. With it now open, suggestions are free to flow and I’d gladly continue the thread through future personal brainstorming of abilities as well as adding suggestions from the chat.
Tank: Spellbreaker
Melee DPS: Spellblade