Arcane simplification

How many of you support the simplification? I know I do because it makes it more accessible and more easier to play. And more casual friendly and more inviting for those who wants to play it. And also getting rid of additional buttons is a huge plus no more worrying about this or that.


I would like to remove all 3 of the abilities that are ā€˜deal x damage in y time to deal z damageā€™

Radiant Spark can stay I guess but imo I donā€™t think anyone would miss Touch of the Magi or the ability that spends all of your mana

It was already simplified. The dos rotation wasnā€™t that complicated. I think mage needed more work as far as its defensives go.

Arcane is fine as is.

If you donā€™t like big burst windows the. I suggest finding a sustained spec.

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I havenā€™t looked at current update yet so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s there now. I just dont think touch of the magi was fun to press, it was a hassle. It was like applying serpent sting in the older, more boring days of WoW

Iā€™m not even talking current update.

Totm was fun to press because it burst at the end of it. Not even close to the same thing as serpent sting.

I am happy about it. A lot of bloat taken out is nice, although the night fae stationary pulse ability still annoying.

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lol what?

Arcane didnā€™t have any bloat.

Iā€™m salty that Chrono shift is gone. I hope it shows up in one of the hero talent trees

2 spells/globals were removed. Which felt a bit awkward. Just feels smoother now then what it was.

What two spells? Arcane was already simple

I canā€™t really bring myself to care one way or the other. Arcane has had so many complete overalls trying to make it work I just accept it.

I remember when it was a dot spec in MoP for a while.

Seemed pretty fun when I was messing with it on beta. Iā€™d consider maining mage if I wasnā€™t planning to heal in tww.

i was never really good at the spec, but once I understood it, it wasnā€™t too bad.

I actually started to like the ramp into burst after I got the hang of it.

I havenā€™t played the new version yet, but I might. I have long wanted to be good at mage but never really have.

I feel that mage players are often some of the best players in the game. Maybe that is the reason why I am not good at it :slight_smile:

Was Nether Tempest and Radiant Spark then arcane familiar is now passive rather than a maintenance buff

Removing radiant spark is dumb /smh

I thought Iā€™d like it, but it just feels like something is missing now. Maybe I wonā€™t care once tom isnā€™t bugged and Iā€™m doing damage, but the timing of the burst windows feels off now. (evocation shorter, not casting radiant spark/temptest before magi). With a rotation as strict as arcane, any change to it was going to feel awkward and take time to feel normal. Whether it will feel better, that remains to be seen.

theyā€™re already well on their way to
re-homogenizing talents with more and more passives.
if only they could stop at the sweet spot.
but, historicallyā€¦ they never do.

I think making any class more accessible is a positive, so long as they can retain the theme and the ā€œfunā€ aspects.

Mage overall in TWW feels super fun which is great. The hero talents make it even better so I think they accomplished the goal of keeping things going!

Is nether tempest still around? I hope that spell is gone.