Arcane Shot Rework

Make Arcane Shot a Hunter Charged ability just like some of the dragon abilities!

and when i say arcane shot i mean like a Fate/Stay Night archer class arcane shot ability

animation to radiate every charge and get exponentially bigger. Make the impact animation hella Anime explosion so it looks pretty for sitting around for 5 seconds to see.

Have it work similar to Wailing Arrow Main target hard hit with AOE splash dmg to all enemies within so many yards per charge, you could target cap it reduced damage after so many targets min 6 but more like 8 to 10. Have it recharge by so many seconds per charge used as a built in CD. example fire off a 3 charge arcane shot you would still be able to fire off a 2 second max and hold charge until the 3rd would refresh or a 4th or 5th if ya really wanted 2 wait that long.

5 charge with potential to add talent points for more charges and or damage ext.

Scaling double by every 10 player lvls, then scaling with item lvl at max lvl cap. Probably prenurf PVP / adjust scaling in PVP so max charge would be around 25% of geared players health.

IDK and maybe just give Hunter all Miss Direction…

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Or at least change the animation to arcane shot and have it stay purple but the purple shots that Sylvanas shoots during the Silverpine quest line where she talks about Arthas while riding on her horse, or in the Battle for Undercity from WoTLK. Even that is much cooler than that skinny, barely visible arcane shot we have currently. :confused: I just want more dark ranger style animations for hunter.


We had something like that back in the day called Black Arrow. So used to do shadow damage dot for 8 sec and summon a shadowy minon that would taunt target cooldown reset if target died.

This isn’t a good fit for an ability that’s meant to be a frequently-cast filler, nor is it a particularly good thematic fit for Hunter in general.


A lot of ranged Hunter ability animations are very dated.


That could be really cool but I’d rather it be a totally new spell. And as long as it could be used while moving.

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Are we really gonna start whining about Arcane shot of all things now?

this, compared to every other MMOs out there that people still play or has come out in the last few years, comparing wows hunter or ranger class to others, wows is so outdated and needs major animation changes.


Sooo… Aimed Shot?

Agreed. It’s as bare-bones as a Archer class could be.


This is a terrible idea, one of the few benefits of playing a hunter is decent mobility, empowered spells are not the way!

Welp, just make AiS a charge ability then. We don’t need another no mover spell. We DO NEED mobility, not the opposite.

I want to see a Mega Man X charge shot.


The archer class in Tera used this mechanic for several of its shots and it felt really fun and engaging to use. That game is more of an action RPG MMO but I think it would translate well to wow of used sparingly. Also you could still move while charging but at a reduced speed similar to the old warlock talent. I don’t know for arcane shot but aimed shot would feel cool with that system.

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Aimed shot as an empowered spell makes sense. Arcane shot does not.


Yeah but having the charged ability to do more damage i think it would put some more chalange to specs like BM and with all the talk in the forums about make hunters spell casters again this would be more of a step torwards that direction. Also think that it fits the lore ppretty well across all formats of hunters being kinda hybrid ranged/melee spell casting archers

i love current arcane shot. deadly little hit with a satisfyingly crisp “Tssst” sound. quick and easy and to the point. what i would really like to see is survival’s Steady Shot regenerate focus as it does for marksman. that way I can leave my pet still attacking the target and not grab agro from the tank with a kill command and also get more of those krispy arcane shots off

I would make Aimed Shot a 4-tier empowered shot similar to the Evoker Fire Breath, leaving Arcane shot as it is.