Arcane seems fun, but I don't think I'm doing it right?

I’m reading guides and stuff and one thing that keeps coming up is mana management, like we get low on mana at times? I’m not seeing any mana issues. I’m guess it’s better now than in previous expansions, but even when we had mana gems I never really had to use them? And now I only ever use Evocation for the Int buff. I seem to be doing good damage. Is there something I’m missing?

To be fair, mage is the class I’ve played the least on WoW. It’s just never really clicked for me. So I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m just bad at it.

You can run out of mana, but managing mana has never been easier for arcane. Streaks of rando-lust popping with no CC procs will quickly lead to depleted mana early. But most all of our damage is still baked into our big burn and little burn so as long as you have enough mana to go big during those windows (big burn is guaranteed to not run out of mana) it’s really not that big of a deal to run out before evo comes off cd for your next big burn.


I’m gonna look like an idiot, but I don’t understand this line.

To me CC is crows control, but I doubt that’s what you’re talking about. But I don’t know what spell CC is. My guess is Clearcasting? That would make sense. As for ‘streaks of rando-lust popping’ does that mean some one in the group hitting Bloodlust or is there some sort of Bloodlust type effect proc? Arcane Tempo?

Also, when do we use Shifting Power? Seems like the only cooldowns we’d really need to speed up are the Evocation/Arcane Surge combo. Maybe Ice Block/Ice Cold? I dunno. I’m so bad at this.

I hate sounding so dumb but I’ve just never had any mana issues.

Sorry about that, no you stated you were new to mage.

By rando lust I mean Time Anomaly which is at the bottom of normal mage tree, this has a chance of granting either Surge, Clear Casting or Lust for 6 seconds.

By CC I mean clear casting, while clear casting doesn’t generate mana for us we do get mana from spending charges on barrage. And by spending CC procs we gain 2 nether precision and through spending nether precision we get aethervision. 2 charges of aethervision makes our barrages refund arcane charges.

So we essentially get many globals of no mana cost through clear casting and then mana refunded by spending aethervision on a free barrage. So if you mix this rando-lust with no CC procs (really bad rng) this means you’ll be chain casting many arcane blasts at 4 charges which has a decent chance to milk you dry. Which like I said previously isn’t really that serious of a thing anymore anyway.

For shifting power you want to use it right after your big burn ends; for sunfury this is after arcane soul (the buff you gain after surge ends for sunfury) ends and for spellslinger this is after arcane surge ends. This would speed up your; surge, evo and touch of the magi.

edit: I should also say that if you’re only leveling arcane you will probably never run out of mana. This will only become apparent on fights that last a while, like raids or higher keys.

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If you watched/read some guides then you kinda get the flow of your burn windows and filler.

Everything revolves around Evocation + Arcane Surge + Touch of the Magi > filler > Touch of the Magi > filler > then back to Evocation + Arcane Surge + Touch of the Magi. Your fillers consist mostly of Arcane Blasting and trying to get procs of clearcasting and setting up for barrages, which eat up a lot of mana once you are at four stacks of Arcane Charges.

Try it out on a target dummy and just try Arcane Blast and see your procs happen and seeing how your mana goes down.

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Thanks both of you. I guess I’m not too far off. Probably just be more noticeable if I started doing more group content at max level, I guess.

You’re probably not doing it wrong, it’s just that proc rate for arcane missiles is so low that those filler moments will just be you hard casting arcane blast 7 - 9times in a row before you get to use them.

It’s pretty boring.