Arcane Season 4 Tier not working in keys

So uh, despite the season 3 and season 4 set bonuses being the same for arcane, season 4’s currently does not work in key(s)? At the very least, I was able to verify that in Nokhud Offensive, the arcane 2 set, and therefore 4 set, will not generate forethought, artillery or battery. Video provided and broken into 3 segments.

0:00 - Segment 1: Season 3 works in keys, season 4 doesn’t
1:32 - Segment 2: Season 3 and Season 4 works in the open world
2:45 - Segment 3: Season 4 works in the open world, promptly stops working upon entering a key.

Apparently, even our tier 3 set won’t work if you have any tier 4 pieces on. I tried to do a key with 4 pieces of tier 3 and one piece of tier 4, which says I have the full tier set bonus, but I still would not proc foresight.

Im having the same issue. I have a season 4 4 piece and it wont work consistently. I have to un-equip and re-equip a piece to get it to work again but it was shortly not work afterward unless i get the procs to keep going. Mine wont work in open world or instances.

I ran a couple other keys since then, I did find that the tier set will behave normally in pre key halls of infusion and azure vault, but once the key goes in, the set bonus ceases to work.

Right now I’m running season 3 Tier legs because of lack of options, and that’s my working culprit with Riskee’s information. If you wear a single piece of the other tier be it season 3 or season 4, it seemingly breaks the set bonus

Update 4/30/24: I wanted to edit my main post but it won’t let me.

Verified that even after reset, the season 4 set bonus does not function in Aberrus LFR. Neither the 2pc or 4pc. I’ve also since verified that the set bonus fails to work in ALL keys.

Would it be possible to get acknowledgement on this issue on whether or not a fix is coming? Being 10-15 ilvls behind and having 5 dead slots for gear over a week into the season is kinda wild.

It appears to be still bugged.

I have a season 3 Tier (4p) and, as soon as I equipped a single season 4 piece, the set stopped working, even tho the text it’s highlighted as if the 4p bonus is active.

I tested at dungeons, raid, LFR and Open World content. It only starts to work again if I replace it with another chest piece as if the new set piece annuls the old one.

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I have found the set bonus not to be working even in world content and the target dummies. Sometimes it works when I first log in, but stops promptly after my first combat lasting long enough to get off that 4th missile cast.
Nothing from Blizz on this yet??

Arcane set isn’t working for me unless i have FIVE pieces equipped instead of the intended 4