Arcane Salvo

I was fighting Mana Fragments & god that spell looks so sick… I wish it was in our kit. Maybe it could replace arcane blast when you have NP? Or entirely??? Orb, missles, & splinters are gorgeous and feel impactful, but casting blast feels so lame since you can barely see it.


It’s funny you mention that. I noticed that spell too and wondered why we don’t have that. If you do the fate of Dalaran quest, at the end there will be a mage hitting a dummy there with arcane salvo. I hope we get it

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I’ve been beating on that proverbial drum for years and years. The game has a host of spectacular visual assets that are for some reason only used for NPCs and players never get access to them. This is just the latest example in a long line. It’s incredibly frustrating and downright maddening that they have the art team designing all of these gorgeous VFX that just go unused and buried in the game’s files all the while player abilities look like :dog2::poop:!


Which other ones have you noticed?

The Kirin Tor NPCs at Camp Antonidas during the Azure Span main questline all use a variety of improved spells during the attack on the camp by the protodragons. Same for virtually all the mobs and bosses in the Azure Vault dungeon. The Dalaran guards during the opening questline of TWW also use updated VFX for all of their abilities.

Arcane Orb has also never had its VFX updated since it was first introduced in the game over a decade ago back in WoD even though the updated visual has existed since BfA and is even used in Plunderstorm. AO has aged well but the new model is just so much more visually appealing. Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Explosion, and Arcane Barrage have been updated exactly once in 20 years and that was back in Legion. Meanwhile some other specs have had their basic abilities changed dozens of times over the years, sometimes more than once in a single expansion (Boomkins I am looking at you). It’s simply unacceptable especially when the assets don’t even need to be created from scratch since they’re already in the game’s files and literally all they have to do is change the spell IDs.

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You’re right. I didn’t even think about it. All the spells have updated visuals for npcs but not the players :frowning:

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And to add insult to injury Lightning Bolt is getting updated yet again next patch for idk which time… :unamused::roll_eyes:

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Ive always wanted a projectile Arcane blast and not a 2d splash animation on the target.


Lmao arcane blast almost has no animation with how small it is. Not to mention how much it needs to be cast

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But don’t forget the greatest visual we ever had…that we never had…sort of…

Wait for it…


I’ve stopped playing, since whatever a month or two ago, but if the devs just brought back my Tome procs on some spell I’d be back in 30 seconds.

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I still have it in my trinket bag and occasionally put it on and mess around on the dummy just to see the proc. :pensive::sneezing_face:

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