Arcane Orb Hitting Enemies Out of Combat

This needs to be done yesterday, but please change Arcane Orb to no longer hit enemies not in combat like you did with other hero talent’ affected spells like Halo back in beta, the majority of this season’s mythic+ pool is rife with narrow areas with large pack density situated nearby which is making positioning as an Arcane Mage almost impossible without random procs of your Arcane Orb pulling one of them.

I cannot stress how much of an issue this has become for Arcane in M+ to the point that you simply cannot play the spec in dungeons like Darkflame Cleft without pulling multiple packs in the darkness area or the first section of Priory of the Sacred Flame where there are countless patrolling packs.

Honourable mention to anyone who wants to get smart with me and tell me to position better, Arcane Missiles automatically changes the direction your character is facing to lock on to your target during the channel which is resulting in many people having a Spellfrost Teachings proc pull a pack they simply could not prevent from being pulled under any possible circumstance.

All specs should be viable in M+ and Arcane Orb is causing our spec to be a burden even on low keys.

If you’re not going to let Sunfury be viable in keys then change this behaviour with Arcane Orb NOW.


I wish I could like this more than once. :joy: its so annoying when you get giant circles under you that force repositioning and right when you move an orb shoots out.

It’s actually awful!


while this is definitely an issue for aracne I think a bunch of other specs are having issues like this too, judging from a recent Priory run I was in. The tank was trying to do some very tight pulls and our group was pulling stuff accidentally the entire time basically. (and before people talk crap, we did +2 it still, and I was micromanaging my angle)

But for arcane – please at least make the spellslinger-generated orbs not pull aggro

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A while ago I suggested they change how Arcane Orb works and have it drop on top of your target like Glorious Incandescence meteorites or any number of other similar spells. Alternatively it could be cast on location and pulse damage. With how many talents revolve around Arcane Orb now and how frequently it can be auto triggered these changes really did need to happen yesterday.

Oh and while they’re at it and they need to update Arcane Orb’s model with the new one that they made all the way back in BfA because the current one hasn’t been updated since the spell was first introduced over a decade ago in WoD!

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There’s a fun interaction where, if you don’t hold down right mouse, your character automatically faces the target you’re casting Arcane Missiles on. You can proc Arcane Orb while channeling Arcane Missiles. So, if you’re mid-cast of Missiles and a Tank moves your target’s position, you could proc an orb and hit an extra pack through no fault of your own. I can’t think of any other spec in the game that has to worry about something like that. Also for all that extra effort our damage is below Aug Evoker.

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Yup, literally no other DPS spec in the game has to deal with half the crap Arcane Mages have to put up with and now ALL of them do higher damage too. And let’s not forget we got to this point after being one of the top ranked specs at the launch of TWW. All because Blizzard have never learned the meaning of the word “balance.”

My tank has simply learned that I will often be standing on top of him, facing the direction we just came from.

And if I’m not there, there’s a very real possibility I’m about to make friends.

Thankfully I run with a dedicated group and I know the guy pretty well. Pug tanks would probably kick me for invading their personal space…

Or just make it behave the same as Frozen Orb and slow down drastically when it collides with enemies. I don’t see any valid reason for them to behave differently.

No one likes how Frozen Orb functions, just stop it hitting enemies out of combat like they did for every other hero tree ability that was hitting out of combat enemies.

Frost has been asking for ages to have the PvP talent Concentrated Coolness to be baked into Frozen Orb. I’d rather not have Arcane Orb behave as Frozen Orb currently does.

The best way to fix this is to change the talent’s functionality back to its previous version, which simply completed the Arcane Orb cooldown.

If necessary, the damage of the Arcane Orb should be increased so that we don’t lose any of our potential.

Just make it not hit enemies out of combat man, why do things that will make the rotation feel worse?