When the patch went live, Arcane Missiles was giving one stack of Bron’s Call To Action per missile.
While the recent hotfix states “Fixed an issue where Bron’s Call to Action was unintentionally stacking too quickly.”, Arcane Missiles should at least be giving one stack of the effect.
Yes, it’s fine if Bron’s Call to Action was stacking too quickly with Arcane Missiles, but to give no stacks at all for a ~2 second channel is not fair. It should give at least one stack for the GCD spent.
I just want a robot friend. No one likes me in real life, so Bron was like having a real friend
Plase address this blizzard, this severely impacts the soulbind’s viability for Arcane.
Blizzard please fix! I want justice for my owl-robot pair.
Mika was by far the least played soulbind already, and this makes him even more dead. Free Mika!!
To echo everyone’s sentiment: even if the previous iteration was too generous, Arcane should be able to generate at least a single stack with Missiles. The soulbind is likely dead in the water without it.
Please fix this i just want to have my big robot buddy when i play arcane :,(
echoing what people said above, give at least one stack for missiles plz
Thanks for reporting. It should definitely give at least 1 stack per cast. This was probably unintentionally broken.
I agree with the above commenters. Arcane missiles should give at least 1 stack of Bron’s buff. Questing in Korthia using a proper rotation I’m experiencing an abysmal proc rate, maybe once every 20-30 min.
bump. no justice, no peace
Also bumping this, makes our best soulbind relatively useless to play.
Please fix this! AM should give stacks of Bron’s Call To Action.
Bumping this as well - this is a pretty major hit to the ability.
Can this be addressed?
I’d like to use Bron’s capstone ability when it’s unlocked and the fact that it doesn’t even work with our arsenal like Arcane Missiles makes it unlikely. Arcane Orb out of combat also doesn’t generate a stack.