Arcane Missiles Changes

‘If you don’t like the kind of fun I like you clearly don’t like fun.’

C’mon, we’re better than that. We can discuss our frustrations without resorting to such pettiness.


Missiles should be castable at all times. This should not be problematic for the power of Blast or Missiles when talents should allow players to tailor their playstyle to favor either one to a certain degree.

Just because you lack the creativity to come up with a solution doesn’t make it impossible.

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“ouch baby, very ouch”

  • Austin Powers

Arcane missiles used to be my go to spell for attacking single enemies. Now I have spam arcane blast to do any damage. Arcane blast uses a ton of mana when having all 4 charges and then when you use arcane barrage you have to slowly build up the damage again with the charges. It’s honestly such a dumb change. It leaves us with few attacks.


You know you can tag with Barrage and Fire Blast right?


If anything tagging with barrage now is better because you can stack arcane tempo before doing damage or building any charges

It also can proc CC.

All they have to do is reduce the damage of Arcane Missiles by about 35% at the baseline but have Clearcasting increase the damage back up to the “intended” point.

This gives the casual players the fun playstyle they prefer without impeding the tuning points of Arcane Blast or Arcane Missiles for the high end players with their proper rotation.

maybe make missiles a builder instead of arcane blast?

there are 2 specs like that tho …affliction with drain soul and priest with mind flay

Oh I agree, there are a number of ways they could do it but for whatever reason they just don’t want to. Same with Arcane Charge generation in ST.

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Right now it feels like trash. The whole left side of the tree feels useless because Clearcasting never procs.


oh my god these forums are a cancer i cannot believe people this bad at the game can form opinions here


I don’t think the argument is that the spec is performing poorly, it looks like people are just upset about the fluidity of the gameplay and loss of a cool ability being used on demand. Also looks like the proc rate isn’t where it needs to be to make up for the loss of freedom you had before. It seems like a reasonable thing to be upset about man why are you baby raging so hard.

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because it isn’t a reasonable thing to be upset about

arcane missiles were spammable for a VERY short amount of time in WoW’s lifespan and everyone is acting like it is the complete norm as a filler

the current system makes it feel far more impactful, and it is

the proc rate feels more than fine, if anything it’s too high (check details next time you’re at a target dummy and look at what your top damaging spell is)

the mage community is just a bunch of clowns that need a safe space to cry over having to actually react during your rotation and not do it with your eyes closed

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I think it is reasonable man people feel how they feel you can’t change that. Here’s a spoiler, I agree that it’s not a big deal, but that’s me. I’ve been on the target dummy for like 45 minutes testing mage stuff and I got what felt like a ton of procs in my rotation it felt great, I also think the random proc arcane orbs from the splinters is sick. Sunfury also felt awesome, having back to back procs of missiles off of arcane barrage during arcane soul was fast and fun. I also agree that the new system of them proccing and hitting harder is more enjoyable than the alternative and it felt better to me.

Lastly saying it feels too high is subjective, I would prefer a spec that got a ton of procs and felt like what spellslinger should have been, like I have arcane Sub Machine guns for fingers. The proc chance will also vary greatly due to it being a % chance. Not every rotation gave me a ton and some gave me like 4 in a row. That’s with both Time anomaly and Illuminated Thoughts combined with Arcane Surge and Evo. I think the spec still needs some work.


Is it just me or did Blizzard make playing Arcane Mage not fun? All you can really do is spam arcane blast. Most of the time CC doesn’t proc so your stuck with only a few attacks most of which were nerfed the hell out of.

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im lovin it, between AB/AM and Abarr/Orb its insanely fun, especially higher keys on AOE pulls, but single target im always near the top of damage, its all about rotation and execution of certain spells at certain times as well as managing cooldowns and knowing when to cast what

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To all of those people who keep saying that AM shouldn’t be used outside of CC, you have no right to tell people how they can and can’t play a spec. If you want to only use AM on CC that’s your choice. Sure AM cost a bunch of mana, but it still had a good damage output. Without AM on CC, you really have only 1 attack, AB. AM is a much more interesting spell than AB. I would rather have AB proc than AM proc. AM is the best spell to use to take down enemies quickly. Blizzard needs to undo the stupid change ASAP.

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I highly doubt that will happen.

Why would they not undo the change if they see that enough people dislike it?