Arcane missiles canceling arcane blast bug?

I started playing arcane a few days ago and began to notice if i hit arcane missiles during the arcane blast cast it would cancel the arcane blast cast at the very end of the cast, and just not shoot off the blast, and go strait into missiles. is this a known bug or something that can be fixed, or am i supposed to just clip my gcd and not hit missiles for an extra half second to ensure blast goes off?

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You clip missiles unless you have aether attunement.

He’s saying that the AMs are canceling his AB, not the other way around. I’ve personally never encountered that and I don’t think it should be possible unless there is a macro at play.

That makes me sad. Is it that much of a loss to not let missiles finish casting?

It’s not a very big difference and frankly only people who are min/maxing are overly concerned with it. I personally don’t do it because it’s clearly not the intended playstyle but at the same time Blizzard are too scared to buff AMs enough to make finishing the channel a DPS gain. It’s just one of those balancing things that the devs can never seem to get right.

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yeah this is the issue, after paying closer attention it happens with barrage like 60% of the time. i use no macros, seems to get worse with higher haste. it sucks i like the class but with this issue on raid boss dummy dps can be 1 mil or barely over 500k depending on how many cast i lose.

Did you check the chat log to see if the AB landed?

I don’t think so. You are basically just clipping the last missile.

Even Preheat has said he mostly doesn’t bother with clipping.