Arcane mage survivability?

Is anyone else getting Utterly rekt by mobs while doing world quests in shadowlands? I swear there is something wrong with the scaling…

My ilev is 175 at the moment, in mythic dungeons, torghast etc - i’m fine, trash everything in my path and survivability is fine.

But get out into the world doing world quests and such, it’s like playing classic - pull 2-3 things, barely survive killing them and the stop to eat, rinse and repeat. What should take a few minutes to complete takes 20-30min, and costs a Fortune in health pots everyday.

Is this intentional? Because if so, i’m rerolling.

If I wanted a “classic” play experience, i’d be playing classic.


Seems pretty normal mage stuff to me. You’re told to do stuff like “kite” when SL zones are so dense, uneven for full distance blinking, and have mobs that just dash/charge you


This is bullsh*t if this is intended…

You can’t stand still long enough to cast arcane blast, and using missiles is a joke off Clearcasting, and arcane explosion will Always pull extra mobs who will melee you to death immediately.

Popping invisi just resets them obviously, shield lasts about 3 melee attacks/dot ticks, frostnova + blink is a brief reprieve unless you accidently blink into a patting mob.

I’ve been playing clothies for over a decade, this feels the worst it’s ever Ever been outside of vanilla.


Kinda annoying you have to cast slow manually now. Other option is to chrono shift barrage. But that’ll clear out the arcane charge stack. I wish we have the slow on arcane blast back.


Yea I miss that too…

I can’t even craft Arcane Bombardment this week - which would likely help with questing. But it wouldn’t solve the issue.

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same problem when I try to kill rares in the maw


Well in Torghast you have (hopefully) anima powers that afford you some protection and of course in dungeons you have a tank and a healer with you so of course it’s going to feel different than being all alone in solo world content.

The main issue with feeling underpowered right now is probably that you don’t have a legendary yet. In BfA you had the Heart of Azeroth and azerite armor and traits. In Legion you had your artifact weapon. Those things really contributed to feeing more powerful right after hitting the new level cap and even in Warlords you had garrison and zone abilities. We’ve gotten used to having those extra powers right away and we don’t have any of that in SL. So yeah it’s gonna feel different but it’s not quite vanilla level bad.

If you want to hold off on crafting a legendary you will continue to feel a little underpowered but on the bright side there are a ton of people running around everywhere now so just try to tag along with the rest as they clear WQ and rares. And don’t forget to pop your mirror images! Not much else you can do as a mage. :cowboy_hat_face:

I understand why there are so many hunters in the game now, class balance seems the worst its ever been.


So I noticed this issue as frost as well but noticed if I go all out I normally can kill anything no problem. So with these things in mind I normally shield up, mount and pull a ton of mobs. Then I alter time and pop all offensive cds. Sometimes I have to manually use alter time again to not die, but immediately after I hit mirror images frost nova and move away. Images now take aggro when you do this and allows me to finish the stragglers. Takes a bit of practice but has been much go to.

I also use ice ward for double nova if needed.

I was fine leveling, then at 60 I hit a wall. I’m squishy, I don’t have a heal, my defensive cool downs can be long, barrier doesn’t last long and shimmer usually sends me into more mobs. It’s annoying and I’m getting frustrated but this is kind of how mage is at the start of every expansion. I’m trying to decide if I want to main mage yet again or bring up one of my alts to main. Maybe hunter or druid, though I don’t think I like the changes to balance.


You can always get the Grisly Icicle legendary. For solo content it is ridiculously overpowered.

I kill most enemies before they reach me as Arcane. In a zone it’s easy to go full tilt with max blasts and missiles.

Pull 4-5 mobs together alter time at full health, shield up or temporal shield as well then I ce nova them in place, drop rune of power or arcane power, orb and barrage, finish them off with arcane explosion, and you end up back at full health. TotM into arcane power into barrage into orb into barrage again and everything’s normally dead. You can kite 2-3 mobs easily with barrage and slow and Polly. Arcane is heaps of fun right now. Yes you can get overwhelmed sometimes but you just have to play the kit and be wise about positioning and the which mobs you can take on. 175 isn’t even that high of an item level when everyone will be 220 and even more powerful with more health in the coming weeks.

No, you’re obviously doing something very wrong or are trolling.

Mobs should be dead before they can even reach you. You don’t ever have to enter your conserve phase while out in the world and can just burn everything down quickly.

AoE pulls are also a breeze. You’re probably not using alter time to heal yourself or are not taking advantage of mirror images to distract the mobs for the last few seconds as you finish off the few survivors of your pulls.