Arcane Mage PVE Guide?

I’ve had pretty good luck with trinkets.

  • I have every TEP DPS caster trinket in the game at 430 or higher.
  • I have three 450 trinkets including a socketed Shiver Venom Relic and an unsocketed Leviathan’s lure.
  • Last week I got two 450 Shiver Venom Relics on the same day! One from heroic and one from mythic (which I gave away).

I can get my crit rating as high as 35%, but in doing so my haste rating drops down to 6%. I sim and perform better when I go with less crit rating.

In my raid group, there’s one other mage and he’s fire spec. He tends to outdps me on most fights. He is the best-geared fire mage on my server, but I do have higher ilevel and I sim higher.

I keep offset azerite gear for fire and frost specs ready. But whenever I try them I perform far below what I do with arcane. I think to make them comparable I would need optimal 450 azerite for those specs. And I need to run Mechagon for the fire bracers.

You have to realize Mist that those sims are pretty much assuming you NEVER get a mechanic and can just tunnel the boss. If you get a patch of whatever it is under you on Ashvane or God-forbid you get the stun, your dps will tank.


Equipoise is the worstest an azerite talent. You have to keep mana above 70%. I think keeping mana 30% is the best for arcane mage because you have optimal speed cast

could you make dummy dps the same as simdummy?

No, equipoise is head and shoulders above all the others. The rest aren’t even close.

yea, I know I just meant how this talent works. having zero charges arcane blast at nearly 3 seconds cast time is ridiculous. I would prefer to be at 30 - 60% mana but equipoise won’t work then

Sad times, man.

I keep staring at my gear wondering if I just go fire and try to learn it. Have the 3 BM traits but no Azshara trinket and no Mech bracers. Anytime I’ve played it I never get through a boss fight without screwing up the rotation at least once and ruining a combustion.

Maybe if I practiced more … but again, I’d be playing a spec that I don’t REALLY want to play. I’m “ok” playing frost … it’s comfortable … but I still identify as an arcane mage (who just isn’t playing arcane this expansion). Two other mages in my now-former guild identify the same (one who went fire and one who gave up on mages entirely this expac).

We have to enjoy the game and do not suffer :neutral_face:

LOL then you probably don’t want to be an arcane mage :rofl:


That actually made me laugh out loud (even if i’m crying on the inside).


Thank you, I’m here all week.

yeah, every week I change my spec to fire and after an hour I change back to arcane :disappointed_relieved:

I’m giving fire a try again tonight. I’ll do a normal EP run and Mechagon and maybe some low keys.

Arcane is getting an 8% buff next week


I’m sorry, it’s been a long day and I’m kinda tired. For a brief moment, I almost thought I read a blue acknowledgement of arcane still existing.


Hmm …. so I might be able to pull off damage that’s still not great BUT doesn’t get me kicked from pug groups??

Honestly at this point I don’t care. I’m guildless again (thanks Classic) so likely the only way I’m going to survive this expansion is if I go back to arcane. Everything about it sucks but if I was playing the spec I love maybe it would suck less?

Man BfA has really destroyed my enjoyment of this game. If this expansion hadn’t ruined so much I’d still be an arcane mage on Zul’jin in a semi-stable guild.

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You and so many others got to ask yourselves something though…if a guild falls apart because of Classic, how stable was the guild in the first place?..there are a lot of guilds that lost people to Classic or even retail burn out but they didn’t disband, they simply decided to go on break until next tier…right now you are at an advantage, though, because so many guilds are recruiting because of this…

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