Arcane Mage PVE Guide?

i used simdps it said i need more versatility

Interesting. You’re already at 10%.

I notice there seems to be quite a disparity in my simmed dps and actual dps.

At ilevel 447, I sim at 47k dps.

But the best I’ve ever done in a fight is about 42k on heroic first boss in TEP… a fight so easy it is pretty much as single-target Patchwerk as it gets.

Currently we’re working on progression on mythic Ashvane. That fight is a hard dps check that requires everyone in the raid to average around 33k dps while still doing mechanics. I’m not quite making it.

I sim higher when I put on gear giving me 25% crit chance. But I notice I have more fun when I swap to 35% crit gear. Seeing big crits is a big part of playing arcane. And it really sucks when arcane blast fails to crit during arcane power.

it said

Versatility 4.12
Haste 4.11
Critical Strike 4.11
Mastery 3.42
Intellect 2.65

  • 1 point of Versatility will increase your DPS by 4.12

I thought versatility is the best for arcane mage. So I should get critical strike as more as possible?

Did you try to choose fight style target dummy? it shows real dps I checked with recount

Versatility is best when you don’t have enough, then it’ll drop. Arcane is one of those specs where most stats are decent to good. You want about 11%-ish haste (I forget the exact %) so you can get 5 AB + 2 PoM AB during your first rune and then pretty much Crit and Vers the rest of the way. Any mastery you have will likely come from random gear pieces and you don’t need to look for it.

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Thank you! I think you are right! I just changed Fight Length to 3 mins because of cd evo and it said
Haste 4.91
Versatility 4.41
Critical Strike 4.31
Mastery 3.72
Intellect 2.88

  • 1 point of Haste will increase your DPS by 4.91

You’re welcome. Just be aware that unless you’re at a haste break point like that, haste will drop quickly and you’ll be back to Crit/Verse.

I’m going to have to pay attention to gear drops and try to target some. My current gear is mastery heavy/vers low. Also have a lot of haste on the go in my single target build due to the benthic gear all having haste on them.

Might have to look at my enchants and gems too.

I did run a few dungeons and at 35% mastery/25 % crit/11% haste I have to say there wasn’t half as much eating between packs as I remembered the last time I ran in key as Arcane. I actually felt like a Legion Arcane mage again (just without that wonderful shoulder proc of Arcane Orb).

I’m going to stick with it … mostly because NOT playing the spec I want to isn’t helping when I’m already struggling to enjoy this expansion. Still hoping for some rework when 9.0 comes though.


I made 27k dps Orgozoa H 432 ilvl and I don’t know how bad is it?

Not terrible but that’s not an arcane-friendly fight; not that many are.

Turns out I’m a liar.

Guild has given up raiding till next tier cause Classic so I pugged an H run last night. Got kicked when the group wiped on Aszhara. Reason given: your dps is low for your ilvl. Then RL says “I actually should have kicked you long before now.”

This isn’t the first time this expansion that this has happened. Not something I ever hear when I run frost and not something I want to keep dealing with so I’m done with arcane until next expansion.


Last night on mythic Ashvane attempts I decided to try to make it brain-dead easy on myself so swapped back to Incanter’s Flow.

With arcane spec I think my average sustained dps during our progression attempts was 37k. This on attempts that probably lasted 3-4 minutes on average and we did not use heroism. Not great, but not awful. Still better than I was able to do with fire.

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Arcane is dead, I’m going to change to fire :confused:
when I’m looking a group to push high Mythic Plus, people ask my spec :persevere:
nobody wants to play with arcane, so I have to play with people who doesn’t know mechanics and they just want to pass a key not in time :frowning:

Yeah that happened to me last time I tried arcane (before this LAST last time): signed up for an M+, got accepted, key holder said “oh you’re arcane” and kicked me.

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My guess is that because you are playing arcane, those people might be assuming you don’t know how to play your class if you’re not playing fire/frost…of course that’s just an assumption but, from experience, it’s easy to figure people out and how they think…

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True. A lot of people “bandwagon” their opinions.


I’ve been running IF in Heroic and I notice a lot of improvement. I also go AoE Azerite Pieces on H Zaq. Tonight I pulled 48.4k 93% overall parse and 100% for ilvl 424 (no Delirium Realm). Highly recommend that route if you can get away with not going into Delirium and your group doesn’t have an issue breaking his shield.

Probably could have been higher had I went beam/had third Essence/took Reverb (I stayed ToM because our guild cuts it close occasionally on shield).

I just finished leveling a Nightborne arcane mage for the heritage armor. Running Legion dungeons as arcane was fun. I want to have “fun” playing the game but anytime I try to run as arcane, I get called out in pug raids and m+ groups for being an arcane mage (to the point of being kicked from group or declined invite). “Your dps doesn’t equal your ilvl, buh bye!”

I can’t get my crit higher than 30% (feel like if I could get it to 33% maybe I’d have a chance). Azshara’s trinket eluded me again this week. Maybe I’ll try to get the normal version of it.

If my guild raid runs hadn’t gone belly-up since Classic I could play what I want with the protection of a guild but if I’m going to have to pug until next tier, I feel stuck playing frost.

Ugh. Just, ugh.


I just wish I could get my actual dps to match my simmed dps.

Last night I put on a crit/mastery ring, swapped in 425 benthic crit boots and switched to Rune of Power. My simmed dps as arcane in that setup is over 50k. And even in my normal brain-dead Incanter’s setup I sim at 48k.

But my actual sustained dps on mythic Ashvane attempts is more like 35k no matter what I equip or spec (with arcane). Grrr!