Arcane mage or balance druid? which is more fun?

Which is more fun in your opinion in terms of

A) Engaging Rotation?
B) Spell animations?
C) Gear?
D) Better Reward feel when executed well?

Gear?..for balance druid?..i mean you are either lazerchicken or ethereal blue.

I would recommend balance druids simply because of the fact that even though fun is subjective, druids just have much more in their kit. Also if you ever get bored of playing a spell caster, you can go melee for a while or tanking or even healing.

If you get bored of spellcasting on a mage, you only have 2 different spellcaster specs to play

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There’s something to be said for 150k Arcane Barrage execute hits.

I think arcane mages are getting a giant new pvp spell that sounds really fun

More fun would be arcane mage

Hrm… kind of subjective. Balance has more to do, that’s for sure; but some people hate eclipse. Some love it. Iirc though arcane mages hardly have a “rotation.” It’s mainly missiles lol.

Almost objectively balance. I mean unless you love the look of missiles, balance has way more animations for their attacks. They don’t call them lazer chickens for nothing.

This is highly subjective. Do you prefer cloth or leather? Druid is also much more limited on races compared to (anything else) but especially mages. 100% your call. Plus as said, you either see it all with a blue tint, or a moonkin form.

No clue. Possibly most subjective one of them all.

So I mean in short, besides animations… you’re asking opinions man. And if you really need answers on those… you are in the druid forum lol.

Since someone brought this up in the mage forum, I’ll do it here.

The question literally asks for opinions.

The OP is asking druids for the druid opinion. Do you not value your own opinion? Do you really think all druid opinions are the same? Do you not seek out the opinions of others on subjective matters? When people ask you where a nice place to eat is, do you say, “well, that’s really subjective, and if you really need answers on that… you’re asking someone who eats. lol”?

I’m sorry to pick on you, but I’ve seen this response to so many people explicitly asking for opinions, and it is totally bizarre to me that some people not only won’t share their opinions because they are opinions even when opinions were asked for, but they will try to make it a point to mock or dismiss the person for asking opinions as if they didn’t know they were asking for opinions even when they explicitly asked for opinions.

Please tell me, what is your line of thinking to respond as you did?

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Probably this:

While not unanimous, the opinions are going to be rather biased. Druids are here playing Druids because they like Druids.

You don’t ask Jeff Bezos his opinion on whether he likes Amazon or EBay more.

If someone wants true opinions, give more direct questions instead of leaving it so vague. Like the animations one: “what’s so appealing about the animations that made you choose balance over arcane?” - now i can give a true opinion based on a direct question. “Well IMO, I prefer the multitude of animations and variance between spells with Balance where it feels like Arcane only has 2. Arcane barrage (missiles) and Arcane Explosion.

Would have been better asking in GD where you’ve got a larger player base to pull to “not quite as biased” opinions from

Quite the rant for something completely unnecessary. Did I not respond in length to the best of my ability already?

You can’t compare it to someone asking where a good place to eat is. Everyone eats and you gave much less context to fit your analogy better. A better variant would be to go to say, one of my Hispanic buds from the Corps and ask him if he likes Mexican food, or American food better. Sure, if I asked a hundred of them maybe one or two might say American but… you get the picture. So what’s my thought process to respond the way I did? Rationally.

He asked for animations. Balance has way more animations. I can say what I like I about them but how does that make him feel differently about what he likes?

He asks about gear, and that’s just SO opinion based. I mean they’re not even remotely the same. It comes down to armor type and race. I mean, my opinion means nothing. To be honest, I’d love to be a different race other than Tauren but still have forest/animal themes. But I can’t, and I touched on that.

Rotation? I even said we’re split here on the forums about it. I also said arcane basically doesn’t even have one.

Better feeling of good execution? I mean how do I answer that?

I am asking druid players to share their opinions and Opinion = Subjective. I never have asked for an objective aproach

You’re asking Druids if they want to play Druid or mage. We’ve already given our opinion based on what we’re playing. It’s a rhetorical question.

People who frequent a Druid forum are going to favor Druids. Those who frequent the Mages forum are going to favor Mages. It’s pretty cut and dry.

Walk into a Chinese restaurant and ask them if I should eat Chinese or go down the street and get a burger. What do you think the answer will be?

Your best approach is to walk into a mixed group and ask to get a wider variety of answers (aka general discussion)

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Balance druid

Take a 5 man dungeon. A balance druid can help with a struggling tank by using treants, mass root, typhoon, ursocs. It can go bear and taunt if need be. They can also help a struggling healer with off heals and curse/poison dispel. The frenzied regen conduit makes you almost unkillable.

Maybe it’s not a huge deal but out in the open world I can’t think of a better soloing class than a balance druid. I can easily solo all of the hunt weeklies in the maw for instance or any elite in there.

Battlegrounds - it’s cheap and not 100% but you can stealth up to a flag carrier or a single guy holding a node, hide in a bush, and then cast CA/convoke and laugh as he dies in 2 seconds. I do a lot of hiding and nuking and laughing.

I don’t really play mage but from what I understand they just make food, cast timewarp and buff me with intellect. Something about combustion too.

an arcane mage can kill you literally in 3 sec without exageration if the player is good geared and if he allign the the major cooldowns properly

To be fair, almost any DPS can do that

No, only the bursty ones.

Destro warlock
MM hunter
Ret paladin
Arms warrior

Sub Rogue
Sin Rogue
Balance Druid
Feral Druid
WW Monk
Enhancement Shaman

By design, fire, ret, destro… sooooooorta MM but not really, can. Definitely forgot enh, which can absolutely do that.

War is not a bursty class. I mean they go great damage but outside a lucky crit string, you’re not going to get gibbed. Druids are also not like that without convoke which I don’t count as “druids.” Convoke on feral or boomy can def kill you in that window (actually a buffed BoAT Incarn boomy could come close) but it’s reliant on the covenant.

Arcane is not something I’d say is super bursty. It has burst damage but definitely not a common contributor.

Sub rogue can definitely solo people in short stuns. Sin not as much but can have some gimmicky moments. Nod to monks who definitely seem to be doing a “go” more often than not lol.

If you’re talking classes that literally have you checking the death log to see wtf happened, don’t look much farther then ret or enh. It happens with combust but we all know what happened there lol.

I agree what you say excepts arcane mage because I have seen some crazy arcane mage there when they use arcane power, rune of power, touch of the magi + arcane echo all together, I think it is currently insane. They can delete people in 3 sec

Yeah but for me, 3s is actually a long time. If someone presses no buttons and the other guy presses all his buttons, he should kill quickly. In higher rated arenas for instance if you had 3s to react but didn’t, that’s an eternity. Rets or enh can literally take 70-80% of your hp in like 1.2s. I saw it yesterday many times.