Arcane Mage Mythic+ Season 4

Is it me or is Arcane lagging behind. Just had a hunter do 600k dps and 400k dps overall. I must not be playing my class correctly. D:


Ret paladins, demon warlocks, bm hunters, and to a lesser extent demon hunters are all ridiculous.

You think youre pumping on a big aoe pull doing 1m+ dps, then 15 seconds into the pull your cooldowns expire and you drop to 600k dps while the warlock springs up to 1.5m by the end of the pull.

Our aoe is trash, but you can do decent numbers if things die before your burn phase ends. If not you get smoked. Its okay tho, as arcane you can do 250-300k during the boss fight since your single target is better than aoe. But oh wait, that same demo lock who was doing 1.5m on the trash pull is now doing 450k single target on the boss.

Its kind of wild. You work so hard to get decent numbers rolling, only for it to nose dive 15 seconds into the pull. Then the bm hunter whos playing a spec designed for 13 year old laps you on the meters.


my tier set is bugged too. kinda annoying honestly.

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I am doing ok. I did manage to get a good trinket and level it to 515. ST I still rock the place, but yea AOE, not always the winner there.

But on that note, all of the DPS in my last run were outdone by a vengeance DH tank…so there’s that.

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I feel you. lol

I just ran a +4 and made me look like a kid playing the game. Not even close, and they were not “way above” ilvl either. :frowning: Maybe with the right gear we’ll catch up? Maybe?

Yeah Benched my mage until TWW changes. Couldnt take the RNG AOE.

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A lot of other classes have 2P + 2P and that can be a strong combo, maybe even better in some cases. Going to be a few weeks before we can even come close to on par.


That’s a good point. I’ve gotten a few pieces of gear and set them in my backpack because I can’t afford to break the Tier until I have new tier…maybe even all new tier, sheesh.

Guess we should have discussed before we voted.

Bro when I read comments how much people do dps with mage and here I am doing 130K dpS ST with M+ talents and around 200K on trash with my 480 first mage. I just want to play chess or fallout 4 how bad I am :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Even as arcane my favorite spec I pull around 120-130 ST dps

And as fire mage I can’t reach more then 60K dps

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120-150 at 480 is very low, especially for single target. Makes me think youre doing something fundamentally wrong. Youre either not properly executing your burn phase or doing it at the wrong times. Dont be afraid to change your talents around. Theres a lot more to arcane than talent points. Your play style, how well you know the fights, and your mana percentage all impact your rotation.

I run a janky spec, i dont do spark or harmony.

There are a lot of guides for arcane but I feel like it something you need to figure out on your own. Theres 3 or 4 different specs you can run. Some may be a simulated increase over others, but maybe it doesnt work well with your play style

I personally hate spark, I find its clunky and it comes after you use your modifiers. I find, especially on aoe, setting up the spark feels like a dps loss to me.

I personally started by choosing all the talents that helped you retain or gain mana back. This way i could kinda just blast without worrying about mana. I didnt take double lust, or improved arcane missles. I took improved clear casting talents.

Once i got good with encounters i started changing talents to give me more damage as i got better at working with my mana.

I feel like the spec im running now is a good mix.

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I bet. I’m just average mage player. I guess not even average since I can’t do half of the dos people do as mage

My 480 Arcane Mage barely manages to sim over 100k ST, my 480 monk sims for 170k and is 100% monkey mode to play.

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I tried even now doing rotation on target dummy , without moving. And still aoe capped on 223K and st during burst is 150k… I can’t get higher number XD XD XD

I think we are heavy gear dependent this time around. Since I got Tome and Fragment trinkets I can keep up with the best of them. We are also position dependent, so the tank’s behavior influences my DPS more than any of my own abilities. If tank won’t stand still a lot of my procs will miss the groups and damage falls off. A smart tank makes me look like a champion.

Additionally there is a Tier set bug so I have to hold off on upgrading gear until I can fully replace the tier set, adding a piece of new tier bugs the old set, so “ugh” there.