Arcane mage lol

Okay buddy, let’s do it this way since you want to get on a pedestal and cry.

I decided to open YouTube and type in “Arcane mage arena” the first video is done by Aeghis 2 weeks ago. Multi r1/tourney appearances.

“Arcane mage I do feel like is a pretty strong spec, however I think arcane mage is very unforgiving as a spec.”‘

This is what I’m talking about when I say people literally just cry. You don’t go look up anything, you don’t even try to find out any information.

You looked at tooltips and went “wah it’s bad”

Don’t play it then dude.


Jesus christ what absurd logic. If .01% of players can play something that doesnt mean its good. Theres a reason he primarily plays frost.

So on my hunter i can hit trueshot and open for literally 4 million damage with rf/as/as and do that basically all day, on a DH you can eyebeam an entire team for fully hardcasted AB damage, two fold actually, on feral you can do 6 to 9 million damage in a maim stun, etc

But on arcane mage if youre the best player in the world on mage you can “make it work.”

Thats brilliant reasoning. You make no sense.

No, you can make it work to your level being an average player. You’re playing average players.

Your argument is extremely flawed and it’s evident by the fact you don’t actually argue any point I’ve made. You just revert back to “bu…bu…bu…but Feral & hunter!”

You’re going to remain the same level of player forever until you decide to put effort in to something. Or keep up with the woe is me.

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Towards this you can do a TON of damage with evo/surge/touch with a Pom ab barrage and missiles. Like you actually delete people. It’s just that surge even with 50% haste is a 2.1s cast, and we have to hard cast missiles to buff our pom instants.

Your opener is scary.

Arcane’s issue is the rest of the kit isn’t scary and it flops to people sneezing at it - which is why you see multiple R1 mages saying Kubzy should’ve gone frost.

Hansol is around 1900 as arcane in shuffle. Literal r1 is 2100.

Rank 20 NA is 1880.

Are you for real? Theres nobody playing the spec. You could be top 50 in the country just hitting 1800.

I was 1750 on my lock the first week as destro. If we extrapolate that, does that now mean im a 2300 player in prior seasons?

You’re a condescending little thing arent you lmao

Raiku casually going 11-2 @ 2600+ cr 3s.
Eu has 3 arcane mages above 2200. 2253 in shuffle as arcane for the r1 person.

If its sls2 probably.

“I can’t articulate why I think a spec is bad, I use tooltips to make my points. I have never looked up a video or guide on this spec. When presented with one, and a counterpoint I choose to ignore it and create strawman arguments. If anyone tells me I’m wrong, they’re condescending.”

Go take a walk.


Not really gonna argue/address the rest of your post, but ya, this probably actually isn’t all that far off tbh

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This is one of the worst offenders. I love this PvP spell/talent, but it so so so bad. It needs to hit much harder. An Aimed Shot that is half a damn second, hits for over a million, and this four second bowling bowl that leaves you open for interrupts, can hardly break a mil.

To play devils advocate here. Venruki says everyday on stream including today going over supas tier list “Arcane is the worst spec in the game by every metric for PVP” and has said it numerous times daily.

My personal opinion is you can def make it work but its an exhausting amount of effort for medicore reward. I still find it fun and play it daily in 3s with friends but I’m also at the same time not an insane mage by any measurement but more then capable of playing the spec and doing general mage things well above average mages, even on an alt spec I barely have time on.

I also happen to have well experienced friends able to work with me playing underdog stuff like arcane/fire that average/casual mages may not have access too.

Arcane at an average level with other average/casual players is going to feel pretty gibbed going against anyone experienced and or playing actual meta comps.

I still think its a ton of fun and I live for those moments where you can explode someone who doesn’t trade/greeds on magi/surge. Outside of that it is lowkey underwhelming and needs its damage looked at it. Feels like it dont exist outside cds.

Its CD damage isn’t like the omega most powerful burst in game either for how long CDs are and how difficult it can be to find a window to cast surge and magi and do a full burst. I think thats what the other players in thread are alluding to. Reward not worth effort

Edit: Not that difficult specs should have giga OP burst/DPS but it should atleast be up to par with peers or slighty above on sustain/burst. The fun should be in challenge of spec and desire to play something tough imo

Dude. He literally says your biggest damage dealers are ROF which is non spec specific and arcane barrage. LOL.

So…its a good spec because of arcane barrage. Yes. A filler ability that does baseline 45k damage and requires charges to do anything. Sounds amazing.

What is its niche when it does less damage than fire or frost with less defensives and more convoluted stupid playstyle? What is the purpose of the spec?

There is NO benefit to playing it.

I could log my lock and hit cooldowns chaos bolt for 1/20th the effort and do 35% more damage per bolt conparative to a fully loaded AB/missiles even combined.

Theres no reason for the spec to exist as it is. It excels at nothing.

He did articulate why arcane is a meme spec. It has long cast times from one school with RoFire/frost sometime. The sustain is mid not even accounting for all the possible disruption, and the burst was nerfed severely early expac. There is just no reason to play that spec in SS over frost. Maybe it has some niche uses in high rating organized 3v3, but even that is doubtful.

Arcane plus value was its burst window with surge touch. But that sort of design is always targeted by the playerbase for nerfs because “unfun” (whatever that means). So I wouldn’t be too hopeful for the future of arcane, which isn’t a big deal considering there is always one good mage spec.

I recognize that. Its just silly, i guess, for blizzard to allow a spec to be this severely undertuned. I have had boomkins randomly hitting me for wrath spam for more damage than a fully loaded AB with virtually 0 thought or ramp up.

I dont even primarily play arcane and never did, but i renember it as this juggernaut damage wise and to see it relegated to below trolling by playing it…its just sad.

I have been slowly doing SS on it and im like 12/18 at 1600 mmr. Or something. I had games where i could freecast AB and it didnt really do anything lol. Thats silly. Its beyond poor design.

Ab fully charged should be hitting for 1.8 to 2.2 million damage on a 4 stack with CD and im seeing like 1.2 or less at MOST. Its absurd. Just bothers me that blizz doesnt add in the simplest tuning.

After Legion, Arcane can stay dead.

Its been a while since legion. A lot of specs have been waay waaaay better since then.

Its pretty stupid to have a spec that has baseline abilities hitting for .052% of someone’s health. Come on man. I got trolled earlier mentioning the tooltip damage but the reality is that it matters.

Having multiplier on multiplier doesnt make something viable because for 15 seconds every 1.5 minutes the spec does 15% of someones health in a hard cast. Its atrociously bad.

And after the dark ranger buffs, i will be on my hunter opening for 6 million damage.

Its just dumb how big the disparity is lol

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True. Arcane lowkey feels like a sub rogue.

Ye but stopping arcanes go requires being half awake and able to interrupt. Stopping sub is impossible.

I just left an 0 6 lobby vs mm feral. Literally so comically imbalanced i couldn’t help laugh. In the time it takes me to even cast one time i have taken 3 million damage from the feral and hunter lol.

Yeah that’s a nightmare lobby for any mage spec. Sure frost is really good rn but our counters (hunter being one) are also really good rn too.

Hunter is so lol. I have a hunter too and the skill floor is so different that i kinda feel bad playing it.

Run in hit cd do 4m damage in 2 seconds. Lol? Its so silly. Idk how blizz allows this.

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Man, with the amount of interrupts and cc, and less damage now as arcane, it is so punishing. Kind of like Blizzard wants all mages to play frost to even have a chance.

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