Arcane Mage Healer and Damage Feedback | Updated 06/27/24 - Megapost of P3+P4PTR discussion and feedback

This is a post geared towards mostly mechanical feedback regarding Classic SoD’s Arcane Mage as both a healer and damage roles to provoke discussion about what it does well including possible improvements. This has a more holistic approach to the experience and includes it’s state outside of the PTR currently as I believe it to be a more earnest discussion.

Post-06/27/24 changes feedback

Updates to mages from post
Initial personal experience

Conclusively I’ll have to say this is a significant short term DPS increase to reinforce the same perfect play niche that arcane healers already exclusively existed for and homogenized mage builds. Changing hot streak to the head slot has made the head slot a role definer for mages exclusively as healers will use temporal anomoly/advanced warding, frost will use deep freeze and perhaps fire mages will use hot streak but I doubt it. This means the only flavorful difference in mages exists almost entirely out of which runes they use to support frostfire bolt, balefire bolt or both.

In challenging play other mage DPS role specializations have more sustainability, utility and better long term numbers beyond 30second fights. Every other healers has better sustainability, reactivity and most importantly group utility. In pvp you won’t see these changes effect desired healers for the same reasons. This was objectively an improvement to arcane DPS roles but leaves the swathe of arcane healer problems unaddressed.

Pre-06/27/24 changes feedback
Damage Roles Current State
It is the lowest performing raid specialization by a massive margin of being around %30-%40 worse overall compared to the next damage specialization however its very much the cosy mages choice. The sustainability and output alongside it’s toolbox creates a fun solo experience for most challenges and fills a fun but rare niche in PvP most refer to as the three minute mage. It lacks majorly in group benefits and long term dps in challenging activities when compared to other mage specializations. Recently it performs so poorly and provides no buff/debuff significant to the raid that practically nobody wants to bring one over any other damage role.

Arcane Damage Pros
  • Sustainability - far less of a problem due to the emergence of many mana recovery and management becoming obsolete it still outshines the other specs in all other forms of gameplay for point of resource taken for output.

  • Simplicity - Although everyone’s familiar with the role of stacking debuff than spamming a single ability those specs do change outside of boss raids. Arcane generally approaches every problem in the same way regardless of content and is easier to approach than some of the other combos of specs concerning buffs and their timing may be less approachable than the simplicity of arcane.

  • Minor defensive abilities - although frost obviously takes the cake concerning this arcane does have a neat feature typically used in pvp or a very specific pve scenario with their magic absorption and with the new rune causing mana shield to be more practical seeing reliable use.

Arcane Damage Cons

Arcane Damage Cons

  • Damage - Outside of the absolute meme of someone popping all their global cooldowns two abilities and arcane surge for a short window to potentially drop 5k damage it just does far less damage. Fights don’t last long enough for their GCD’s to be on a rotation and the raw spells simply deal less damage for their charge up of four casts of arcane blast and their proc of arcane barrage or balefire bolt not hitting as hard as the other specializations repeated cast spell.

  • Utility - That temporal orb is somewhat ridiculous in its current state which feels designed for a different game. The amplify/dampen spells are typically silly over useful and not talented into regardless leaving it available to every other mage. There’s no unique benefit to any tank, healer or damage dealer in the group or raid due to an arcane mages presence.

  • Range - Every other spec has greater range on their spells which also deal more damage or at least the option to while having a greater benefit to the cast. It has a close range AoE which of course has it’s own benefits but the other specs benefit far more from their ranged AoE spells due to talents or runes. The class functions best exclusively at range in %99.99 of scenarios and this hinders the specialization in raid mechanics but especially in PvP scenarios.

  • Scaling - There are extremely few group abilities, buffs or effects that specifically add to arcane damage or other forms of play that benefit from their target receiving arcane damage in comparison to the availability of elemental, physical damage and shadow bonuses which benefit many classes on their own. Which means the specialization specifically is more adversarial to group play.

  • Class Fantasy Flavor - Not typically something that given a great deal of feedback but it’s always present. We strongly see the fantasy of an elemental mage or master demonstrated and felt thematically in the other two specializations. Exploding in fire, burning away at their foes flesh and throwing a fireball the size of a fully grown dwarf or the constant freezings alongside the overwhelming force of winter and ice are so well presented. When it comes to arcane mage in classic we don’t see what most may imagine the wizardy or nerdiest of casters fantasy standout like the other two. All specs grant their allies portals through the realm, reshape their foes into something comical and make them a little smarter. Without being too expansive it lacks a uniqueness on it’s own what we see in other fantasy presentations of a wizard, familiars, animated objects, extremely long cast times for magical effects, magical effects, talking hats, glyphs, warding of an actual useful kind, necromancy, magically booning weapons.

Healing Roles Current State
This currently plays well towards the mage classes inherent sustainability in their solo content making mistakes a little more forgiving when attempting some of the more wild pve things mages get up to and fills the extremely rare niche of being more fitting to hyper elite group speed running content due to it’s overheal and damage output specifically.

Arcane Healer Pros
  • Damage - Since it’s feature debut I believe everyone’s been happy to see a leech style healer typically represented as a blood sorcerer or the similar in other fantasy games.

  • Pushing the solo limits - It’s always been fun for everyone to watch what some of the more dedicated can do with a hundred(s) mobs and a mage in classic wow and mostly before the living flame nerf this was showcased it has obviously made some things possible which weren’t before which is fun and entertaining.

Arcane Healer Cons
  • Sustainability - This is one heck of a mana muncher to the point any other healer takes massive preference due to their far extended arsenal and procs to restoring or fortifying health for any serious fight or non speedrun activities. Even in regular dungeons the amount of drinking and breaks required are such a massive hinderance over healer roles that practically never need one or only need one rare break due to an overpull that somebody will only take a mage healer as a last resort.

  • Upkeep - The slow response time of always needing a pre-cast whether it’s regeneration or chronostatic before a second cast means there’s a large amount of time wasted upkeeping the status effect to an annoying amount of downtime reapplying or alternatively not being in the position to provide healing when needed to any party member that’s not the primary target for healing.

  • Hard Cast - Although a general complaint of the class that the fire specialization see’s less of, in this form of the game movement is the main mechanic of challenging scenarios. It is worse to have to sit still and cast than not. There is zero ability to provide instant or emergency aid due to the rune placement of rewind time disregarding the extremely rare clutch PoM arcane blast on an already beaconed target I suppose.

  • Rewinds Time - This will be more extensively explored in the suggestions for improvement but it doesn’t cover nearly enough time, needs to anticipate the hit, takes placement over arcane blast, doesn’t fix stacks or debuffs and has probably never seen use in PvP due to a myriad of reasons.

  • Regnerations Healing - It’s so pathetically small despite that almost every use of the spell results in the caster cancelling the channeling early so they can start dealing damage, it’s only used as a movement stopper to apply the temporal beacon buff.

  • Buffs - There aren’t any. There is no overheal barrier, jumping to an ally, death save to one health, extra dispelling, fortification against damage, nor buff to movement or armor, no proc on next hit, none of the wide utility of buffs that other healers provide.

  • Wands - It’s nice they were added at all to the healing I suppose. The class which should be best with them still doesn’t provide anything to make it feasible to use. It’s always best to cast an arcane spell and if you’re so out of mana you’re wanding you’re not going to be able to cast the spell to reapply temporal beacon due to mana issues.

  • Gear - Double edged sword however since damage is your healing. There has been no set tier in this phase or the last to support arcane healers in PvP or raid sets, healing power is a greater number than spell power but it doesn’t benefit a mage healer meaning they directly heal for less.

  • Clearcasting - Obviously the description of clearcasting covers this but it is so absolutely ridiculous in the specialization which has gone OOM quicker than any other hasn’t seen this changed or tested. This is the most widely agreed on complaint I’ve come across concerning the specialization.

Arcane Damage PTR Changes
Reflection of my testing and simulations. This will take into account the tier set despite the fact it’s the outcome and prize of the function of the tool which is the specialization. Rendering the benefits of the set somewhat null and void as upon most gaining the set they’re ironically finished with that tool for the phase.

Arcane Damage roles prposed phase 4 PTR changes and feedback from testing
  • There’s not nearly enough damage in comparison to the other two specs. Although the tier set provides the extra fingers of frost chance and a pure arcane spec will be able to get shatter that possibly additionally utilizes deep freeze it’s just nowhere near enough. So far testing shows it to be somewhere around %60 as effective with regular buffs and just less than half as effective when world buffed compared to the other specializations.

  • Overheat is better than Barrage. The proc chance of missile barrage is already so good that an additional cast spell as weak as missile barrage isn’t worth not using overheat in it’s stead, especially if the arcane mage is using balefire and ignite which is the current specialization choice for PvE challenges.

  • Set is very nice and clearly has a PvP focus to it’s benefits that mesh well with PvE but grants practically no bonus that the other damage specializations won’t make a superior use out of.

  • Arcane blast scaled rather average and so did surge, living flame absolutely did not scale well at a higher level. In comparison to the damage outputs of the other specializations staple cast spell they perform better in comparison to the tool to cast a quick magic missile with %60 more damage.

  • Overall surprised by the lack of changes.

Arcane Healer PTR Changes
Overall it’s been improved rather slightly with the movement of rewind time and functions just as did previously. This feedback makes the same assumption regarding the gears tier set as above.

Proposed phase 4 Arcane Healer role changes and feedback
  • Rewind time has been vastly improved by it’s movement to the wrist slot but it still competes with some extremely good choices that other healers don’t have to make. It’s tier set bonus is extremely unclear in it’s wording but it’s fundamentally strange in it’s state to focus on using this as a staple rather than an emergency as it means you will not be casting your damage spells which are likely healing more nor maintaining your buffs.

  • Tier gear is honestly a very nice step in the right direction. It’s not enough to provide %88 healing instead of %80 and even less on yourself for a regular group or raid to make it better over another healer class.

  • The advanced warding change so a mage can dispel as well as decurse is good though it’s strange to compete with the buffed temporal anomaly shield and comes off as a selfish choice for a healer. You can of course swap between fights or swap right after casting the orb before a fight it’s still a weird choice to make that other healers don’t contend with.

  • More mechanics of movement still means lots of damage downtime that other healers won’t suffer from. In future raid phases beyond P4 this will become a more prominent issue. There’s the option to spam mass regenerate and go completely oom I suppose but this is a growing problem that’s not addressed and will likely get worse.

  • The anomaly shield pre-cast isn’t enough of a buff to picking a mage as a choice of healer since every mage can use it and then swap before a fight either by gear switching or manually changing rune. Not to mention it’s awkward line and movement during a fight is a pure detriment for the very small amount of barrier it provides, it’s just weird and bad to aim your barrier in the way it functions.

Suggestions and Improvements
This is the section in which I’m mostly excited to see discussion. Obviously there’s always the hope of development on the class based on feedback but I also don’t have the best fixes myself. Personally I’m just throwing an idea out there to be bounced around and gain feedback.

Arcane Damage roles suggestions for improvement

Arcane Damage Suggestions

  • Improving Arcane Blast - The first thing that comes to mind is the damage improvement per cast affecting itself and only ending upon another damaging arcane spell. This creates the option to simply drain your mana for extra damage and an overall boost, this isn’t enough to catch up the other specializations on it’s own however and is realistically only a slight improvement overall.

  • Improving Balefire Bolt - Two things come to mind. Creating a magical damage debuff or a pure damage increase. Perference would be each cast of balefire bolt increases magical damage taken by %2 stacking alongside your own stacks. This would create a nice utility for the group but also a terrifying cost in a long fight with nine stacks as you’re tempted to do a tenth. Opposed to a pure damage improvement I personally haven’t tested this in the simulator enough to figure out how much of a pure damage improvement would be needed as it really only shines in a fight between 25-40 seconds specifically.

  • Make Wands Useful - This will double into healing improvements later on. Like me you would have also noticed there was no hit improvement ring rune for wands. The main idea for this that crossed my mind were two different ring wand bonuses. The one for damage I thought of a wand attack proccing on a chance with a cast if you have the talent for it, this could use some serious expansion in concept.

  • Promoting Arcane Surge into Damage Rotations via Clearcasting - Initially I thought this was silly due to the obvious problems in PvP but the more I thought about it the more it made sense and it would put the spec on par with frost if it can be repeated as often as deep freeze including improved maneuverability. At first thought it didn’t appear to be enough damage due to it’s cooldown. However if it granted the mana regeneration on top of not consuming mana due to clearcasting and had some sort of long fight PvE function to repeat it’s casting more often it could provide enough damage to match the other damage specializations since it’s only slightly more damage than a deep freeze with ice shards with four arcane blast charges. The core issue is obviously somebody double dropping this in PvP or even a basic PvE mob and it needs to be a higher or comparable DPS increase to it’s competitor icy veins but I’m honestly not sure how to handle it in that regards.

  • Arcane Barrage AoE’s - As far as I’m aware this is somewhat how it functions in retail. It climbs with arcane blast charges and hits as many targets, this way you could possibly guarantee an arcane barrage charge which would be very nice if there’s five targets. Alternatively shortening the cooldowns of PoM/Arcane Power significantly per cast, naturally lowering their cooldown by having it worn in the head slot could work too. It needs to be more useful than overheat.

  • Just swapping arcane barrage for a more thematic wizardy choice. Familiars come to mind first since I’m bias in that way, having a little mini leywalker who shortens certain GCD’s or buffs all arcane damage in the party, blue dragonwhelp that gives all your arcane damage spells one more target, little lich skeleton that causes you or a party member to go to 1 health instead of dying to a hit once every now and then, mini chromie randomly applying temporal beacon or extending its duration to people in your party. Possibilities are endless but completely removing barrage in its state and giving a class utility would be great, could lean into more time magic like things.

  • Improving Arcane Missile - This would be a replacement for arcane barrage. There’s a lot of ways to do this and the goal would be a raw DPS increase. Increase targets by an amount equal to your arcane instability talent points, increase critical chance by %50 or critical damage by %100, double the amount of missiles. Lots of options, it’s just for the pure necessity of DPS increase from arcane barrage procs and I don’t see a lot of possible utility benefits.

  • Arcane Meditation is group wide - Stacking with similar effects it would be a very nice utility that’s honestly not too powerful to make the specialization stand out and do something to help your fellow casters even if its not much.

Arcane Healing roles suggestions for improvement

Arcane Healing

  • Clearcasting works on every spell - Not much else to say. This would add a reactive proc and extend the massive cost of that mass regeneration consumes. Not sure what the downside is here.

  • Extend the time of temporal beacon significantly - I’m honestly thinking by %50 and it stacks with the extended time of the set bonus. It’s such a pain, it’s so constant, it’s annoying to track, it consumes too much mana.

  • Remove Regeneration Channeling - Provides maneuverability and means you could cast while moving, I’m not sure changing any cooldowns is necessary. This could also be improved by improving the healed amount I suppose but it’s just so annoying especially if your racing to tag one person with the single target regen out of place and get locked in for a moment to cancel and step back into position.

  • Wands heal better - This is following up on my wand rune for a ring but themed for healers. It could restore mana every hit but also provide some form of utility, such as reducing next attack damage by the wand damage, restores the mana of your temporal beacon targets by %80 of the wand damage, extends the time of temporal beacon by one second upon hit (I’m genuinely unsure if there’s an arcane wand with a sub second cast time), it could improve the attack/cast speed of your temporal targets per hit until the beacon is refreshed by a stacking amount, or just improve the wand healing done to your targets by a small amount but that wouldn’t fix it’s failed function of being used while OOM and temporal beacons not applied anyway. Lots of options, could use brainstorming a few more.

  • Granting improved decurse as a skillbook default - Also gained similar to the dropped books in scarlet monastary or whatever, it simply should be included rather than a choice in the healers toolkit.

  • Temporal Anomoly is completely redesigned - It could be static, have a greater area and only reduce damage by it’s amount for X amount of hits or to all allies raidwide within Y amount of hits or until it’s dispelled. Alternatively it could just grant the full barrier amount of all it’s stacks and you shoot it to a selected ally, it would grant everyone between the two of you the buff but honestly that’s still really finicky. Would appreciate suggestions on fixing this.

  • Rewind Time rewinds most debuffs and stacks - Simply stated and I’m sure there could be limits figured out such as only removing a maximum amount of one stack or such, it’s so difficult for a mage healer to deal with most of these effects if they can’t remove them due to the downtime of their need to upkeep the buff. It could also be improved if it resurrected a dead ally to their state five seconds ago as long as they had temporal beacon on them but that seems a little much, unsure how to properly balance that since I think it would wipe all buffs and positioning might be an issue, perhaps thats alright. It could also be improved by restoring mana every time it’s cast on somebody by an amount relative to the healing perhaps or a cap. Lots of options, it just needs to be a better choice than it’s wrist competitors.

  • Reliable resurrection - Increasing the stacks of this scroll to twenty could be a good fix. Going on a quest causing some of the mage scrolls to be infinite or deciphering infinite rare versions would be nice too. This is just a quality of life increase and not a requirement but its weird being the only healer who can’t resurrect due to a limited auction house or inventory management issues.

  • Rework dampen/amplify utility - Changing the talent so it only changed the beneficial effect of other might be a nice option but I’m not sure it still provides utility enough. The goal would be to make the talent useful therefore making the specialization tree more useful or aiding healing. Perhaps temporal beacon could nullify the negatives? The talent could also similarly half the negative effect equally. There’s likely a way to change the talent so it provides wider and more useful group utility.

  • Magic Absorption Talent is Shared - Either simply group wide or possibly it also effects the targets of your temporal beacon. The goal is to add more utility to it and adding resistance in this manner would make the specialization standout in a way the others don’t.

  • Advanced Warding grants the ability to cast shields on others - At the cost of your mana it could aid utility and standout, I would presume to a lesser effect of %50-ish of the amount absorbed for balancing reasons but it would be cool to see them gain the benefits of talents that benefit them as well.

  • Arcane Resilience works on your temporal beacon targets - Another attempt of adding utility, honestly just sharing your passive arcane talent effects onto your beacon targets would be a fantastic way for the class to standout. This enhances choosing this talent tree, committing to it, does something other healers don’t and causes your temporal beacon to be a buff more valuable to cast on others.

  • Chronostatic Preservation has Charges - This would ideally trigger or occur with the pairing of another talent or rune. Perhaps triggering arcane power causes it never to deplete? Could hold as many charges as arcane blasts were used when casting it. It would greatly enhance the mobility of the healer and give some more healing per mana spent.

Starrockets Arcane Barrage rework suggestion
Starrockets Arcane Surge rework suggestion
Zifnabs Frostfire & Balefire Bolt suggestion
Timewardens talent & rune reworks suggestions
Gathrans healing & arcane ability rework feedback & suggestions

This is certainly throwing a lot of things at the wall to see what sticks or appears to be a good idea, always love a set of fresh eyes and what other people think about the arcane specialization or how they’ve been using it in the PTR so far. I’d love to hear what others have thought, I can see similar complaints in feedback posts so far but not as many ideas for solutions nor many calls for utility additions which I’d enjoy hearing more of if you have any that come to mind.
EDIT: Cleaned up the post into clickable expansive parts to make it much easier to scroll through and navigate.
EDIT2: Added actual suggestions relevant to the thread at the bottom for clarity of browsing between commentary and mechanical suggestion. Hopefully there will be a lot more.



Adding to this for a pure mage healer focused on using arcane damage abilities, you very quickly run into a situation where youre talenting into the entire arcane tree, because the fire and frost tree do nothing for you.

While its understandable that classic wow encourages more hybridisiation between the trees, this i do not believe applies when the fire and frost trees have abilities like master of the elements or elemental precision, which are good things to spec into for a frost focused or fire focused mage.


Honestly I think you’ve nailed the main issues with talents there. Since you’re forced into it due to the lack of synergy from the other talent specializations, on top weakness of balefire and spellfrost bolt you’re not able to benefit from that cool fun hybrid option in classic.

Out of curiosity, what would you change about the talents or alternatively how the runes interact with the talents to improve things?

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Hello there!

I’m so glad someone brought this up! I have done a ton of theory crafting with various rune and talent builds and found the highest damage combination essentially turns us into a Fire Mage with filler, so I’m loving these changes with a pure Arcane focus.

I’m 100% behind making changes to Arcane Surge and Arcane Barrage.

With this being classic, and the fact that the development team has very few resources, simple changes would be best and keep in line with a Classic WoW experience, rather than a Retail WoW experience.

I’d make the following recomendations:

Arcane Surge

  • Still dumps entire mana pool and does extra arcane damage based on % of pool dumped, but forces Spirit Mana regeneration immediately and increases Mana Regeneration by 1500% for 10 sec.

This would encourage the core tenant of Arcane Damage (managing your mana pool) and make it an exciting burst window for the duration of the mana regeneration, and encourage the use of Spirit even further with is so much more important in Classic WoW.

The main problem with this Rune wasn’t the damage it can do so much as it’s just WAY too punishing to dump the mana pool and barely get back 1/10th of your mana pool back which is burned away in 2 spell casts. Mainly it’s been used as a “finisher” move to then immediately sit and drink and fill your mana pool back up, but mage already has several “finisher” moves with the base tool kit of Fire Blast and even Arcane Explosion, so a rune used purely as a “finisher” is a wasted rune slot. The above change would craft it into more of a “OO IT DID NEAT DMG” and slowly bring the mana pool back up, which if you’re not carefull and just constantly casting the biggest spells then you’ll still burn up the returning mana.

Keep in mind the number of “1500% of your MP5 Spirit” isn’t as big as it looks, when compared to the, now baseline, Shamanistic Rage which just straight up returns 150% of their max mana pool. Keep in mind that’s based on actually returning 150% of their mana pool, not just increasing the rate of their natural mana returns. For that matter, “1500” doesn’t have to be the number, but it has to be a LOT higher than the 300% pittance is is now.

Arcane Barrage
I’ve posted about this in another topic: Arcane Mage DPS SOD Phase 4 - Arcane Barrage

  • Can only be cast 1 time after a full channel of Arcane Missiles (Either with the Arcane Missiles Barrage or Hard Cast), or after reaching 9 stacks of Baelfire. Fires multiple missiles all at once! (Damage is equal to 3 fully channeled Arcane Missiles)

This would encourage the use of Arcane Barrage over Overheat (FireBlast), and give a slightly more interesting rotation to a pure arcane build, and still keep it relatively simple in the spirit of Classic Wow.

A rotation would look like:
Arcane Blast x4 (or until Arcane Missiles Barrage procs) > Arcane Missles > Arcane Barrage.

Visually, I’d love to see the spell artwork simple look like Arcane Barrage with the ‘missle halo’ effect that is on Baelfire and Spellfrost has for SOD.

I believe this simple change would be interesting for the Arcane Mage player, and help bring Arcane Mage DPS back into a competitive rank.


Readers, please post replies so we get this thread recognized by developers, and keep this topic towards the top! At least “agreed!” or something :slight_smile:

Share the link to this post with your Discords / Guilds!

This is a much better utilization of the current powers which I like! It seems far more feasible for the development team to actually make changes that way.

I like the idea of increasing the mana regeneration making it a live tool for mana management, as the power scales with remaining it’s a bit more fun to build it back up to incorporate the ability. However I do want to ask about the mathematics on the abilities damage which I’ll break down here, it’s absurdly difficult to test reliably live but was much easier simulate in ST gear with a level fifty character. This is using my actual characters SP and assumes world buffs are being used.

Arcane Surge DPS Summary

All assumption is for %100 mana before cast via recovery items, abilities or evocation
not including the epic head gear or trinket on use ability
SP scaling = 0.429
Assumes spell power rune for %175 crits instead of %150
No Arcane Blast Charges| 1257 - 1401 |
Four Arcane Blast Charges| 2011 - 2241 | Average = 2126
Add Assume Arcane Power
Four Arcane Blast Charges | 2614 - 2913 | Average = 2763.5

4xArcane Blast Charges| 3519 - 3921 | Average = 3720
Arcane Power
4xArcane Blast Charges+AP| 4574 - 5097 | Average = 4835

Assuming %50 crit chance
Average w/ AP - 4145
Average w/out AP - 3189
Most arcane builds with world buffs have %38-41 crit chance

Average DPS in a fight <1min - 63.32
Average DPS in a fight <3mins - 37.34

Unfortunately this is almost on par and actually very slightly worse than the extra cast and a half of arcane blast increase from icy veins using the same characters spell power and talents. Meaning even if there was no mana concerns after the casting it wouldn’t be a better damage increase. If you have different data behind this I’d love to hear it since it sounds like a great addition.

Looking at your arcane barrage suggestion though I am assuming it’s still an instant cast. Interesting idea honestly I’d also like to know how you imagine the mana cost of this and also I assume it can’t benefit from arcane blast stacks from the ideal rotation you’ve provided.

If we math this out using the same character we can presume the following rather simply. I’ll use %50 crit rate assumption instead of the typical %38-%41 because it’s easier and not unreachable next phase.

Arcane Missiles DPS Summary

Arcane Missile damage w/ no arcane blast=1552 | CRIT=2716 | %50critAvg=2134 | x3Average=6402
Arcane Missile damage w/ 4xarcane blast=2483 | CRIT=4345 | %50critAvg=3414 |
Combined Average at the end of an arcane blast combo=5548
Assuming regular GCDs+Cast Timers+Assumes Barrage triggers perfectly during every 4stack=14 second rotation=Four casts of the extra x3 damage per minute

Average Perfect DPS in a 1 minute fight = 426dps
Average DPS assuming barrage non perfect chance in a 1 minute fight = 320dps

This uses a more typical level 50 template for conceptualization but I that’s easier for comparison than a lot more of the increases in power and increase in variables at 60 and in P4 for familiarity at the moment.

Hey this is a really good damage increase and idea! Technically I believe hard cast spamming and then doing this 3x missile barrage would be the best DPS but empties mana before 30seconds assuming it cost the same amount as arcane missiles. Most importantly it’s more beneficial to the arcane tree than overheats 210 average perfect dps (assuming ignite) despite the fact it adds that slight extra GCD to the rotation. This means overheat is more beneficial to fire mages still and arcane has a more prominent increase to their damage, heals and mobility.

Edit: For context this addition alone would put it just under but the par of the frost specialization average as a damage role in it’s current P3 state without any of the good additions it’s getting in P4 alongside its extra talent damage increases. Causing it to be nearly identical to a shadow priests as a damage role on average without their added utility however.

This is a great idea.

Thanks for replying Veulvras!

Yes, barrage would still be Instant cast, the mana cost would be increased very slightly than it is now, and correct, you wouldn’t dump the Arcane Blast charges on Arcane Barrage in this case.

The idea was to force including Arcane Barrage into the rotation without eliminating the other arcane spells (Blast / Missiles) so it feels sort of like culminating the rotation in this impressive arcane …well…barrage :smiley:

It still offers the possibility of just Arcane Missiles hard cast > Barrage, if you wanted to simplify the rotation down and quite possibly be more mana conservative via down-ranking missiles (shock of a thought), or in some ways possibly do a little more damage in a shorter window (Max Rank Hard Cast Missiles > Barrage) for quick 1-2 targets. Where as in a raid situation or an elite mob building up with Arcane Blast > Arcane Missiles Barrage > Arcane Barrage, that rotation would of course take a little more time between cast times and GCD’s :slight_smile:

Both methods allow the Arcane Mage to think a little bit more about the situation and adjust their tool kit ever so slightly!

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Another suggestion would be to try and bring Spell Frost Bolt and Bale Fire Bolt into the mage rotations. If those spells offered interactions with mages tool kit we might actually equip and cast them. I’d suggest each of these bolts provide a buff that the mage has to periodically refresh to maintain. BFB would provide a mana regen buff and SFB would provide a arcane/frost damage % stacking buff. As BFB would help fire mages with their current mana starving on the PTR and SFB would bump up frost damage. Arcane mages would be able to pick BFB or SFB that synergizes with their sub school talents. Probably need to have these on the same rune spot so you can’t get both. And don’t have on the FFB rune slot so the fire mages and frost mages can also utilize. Wrist rune slot would be nice, but they just moved rewind time there, so not sure what where a good spot would be.

This should help dps mages with their one button FFB spam and arcane would be able to use spells that work with the sub talents and continue to heal as they are arcane spells.

I just want

  • reduced cast time on FFB to 2 seconds to bring it in line with other casters and make it viable for pvp.
  • making FFB baseline cause any runeslot it occupies means the other runes are dead cause its too good (mana cost, magic schools, talent synergy etc etc)
  • Reliable burst that you either have from an extra ability or from a proc on FFB for PVP, no arcane surge is not the answer
  • Updated values of Mana shield + Ice barrier atleast x3 with mana costs of them remaining the same, right now you might aswell not use them since they absorb less than the value of one attack giving mages zero survivability
  • Mana cost of procs reduced to 0 or reduction in cost of Fireblast / Pyro - These oom you in under a minute in pve
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I agree with most of the issues being brought up. I’d like to add to that the two biggest problems in my opinion :

  • Frostfire Bolt dipping both fire and frost trees for crit damage talents increases crit damage to 3.5 times normal damage. No other spell can and will ever compete with that. This completely homogenizes potential dps specs into pretty much a single overpowered one.

  • Arcane has no mechanism to benefit from the crit stat in an exclusive fashion, so its dps in completely left in the dust and will never scale properly. Yes, arcane dps should be lower because it can convert it to healing, but not 3 times the best mage spec lower. There needs to be a way to make crit more useful for arcane.


I completely agree it’s an interaction issue with the arcane toolkit as well, both benefit far more from the elemental talent trees than any arcane talent. Adding any group utility would be a great boon to the class as a choice for group content.

If I’m understanding this correctly are you suggesting that Balefirebolt grants the caster or the target some kind of stacking effect to add to mana regeneration for the group.
Although giving balefirebolt an group effect is nice I’d actually be worried that performing a function that hasn’t been a big challenge which other classes perform better wouldn’t elevate it’s preference. Meaning the mana granted would have to be vastly more significant than other class mana regeneration benefits or greater than just bringing a class that performs twice as well so that mana isn’t needed.
However how much mana were you thinking with this effect and is it raidwide, party wide?

This spellfrost bolt suggestion actually sounds like something that ticks many of the boxes however. The pure arcane and frost damage stacking debuff fills a niche that I believe only the warlocks curse of shadow ability and some rare weapon abilities serve.
This would also benefit druids, cold weapon effects, the mage who exist to stack winters chill, arcane damage and healers. Given the utility I think this is an excellent proposed utility fix to the spell, the only thing is it competes with missile barrage.
This would mean giving up the main damage filler and would need to remove either spell power for damage or chronostatic boon for the healers toolkit to give it a similar effect with brain freeze that has a third of the proc chance and deals less damage.
What effect to the stacking damage debuff for arcane and frost were you considering though? Some kind of percentage, lowered resistance or fixed number of added damage that finishes stacking at what, five? ten? twenty stacks? Perhaps the bonus of this buff you’re thinking of completely outweighs the negatives.

Just way over the top with suggestions here. Lets be realistic with how much time will be spent into this, I think the reality is maybe 10% of the time you suggested here. We aren’t game developers, and there’s a million iterations of how to make arcane do something better.

Sure you have some good suggestions like wand relevancy, regen having no cast time, baseline mage res, maybe some longer temp beacon duration…

But these don’t fix the issue mage healer has.

I think this post needs a reality check, blizzard isn’t going to put this much effort into fixing the class. You could have been like, blizzard arcane surge is dead, please do something with it. They aren’t going to delete runes that they already implemented. They aren’t going to change arcane tree talents drastically. We would be lucky to get push back protection from the missiles talent, or more wand damage. Let blizzard do the designing.

Go read some of the reworks for retribution or warlock for the PTR. Then limit your post down to suggestions on how they did work in those fixes. Mage healer is already very very strong. We will be doing very well next phase. But no new players will go to mage healer because its clunky.

Everything in this post could be summarized just by saying, blizzard arcane dps and healer is not good, clunky and under performing. We need some more stuff to impact our dps and utility. Reworking some dead runes, buffing other under performing runes…

Initially I was thinking the buffs would be only to the mage. But doing party wide/raid wide actually seems like a nice idea. Especially since we are looking at 20 man raids for SOD and we all won’t all have the buffs we want.

BFB would need some more thought for mana regen. As mages are spirit based regen I was thinking it would offer a ‘mini’ evocation buff that last 25 seconds. Since Evocate is 1500% spirit regen, this mini version could be like 200%. But since spirit regen works differently while casting vs not casting I don’t know if spirit would be a good stat to base the mana regen off of. Also given the fact that BFB reduces spirit by 10% each cast has its own interaction to consider. So a mp5 regen might be easier to balance The purpose of this mana regen buff being that mages and ,fire mages in particular, will be mana hungry in raid, open world, and pvp. This fills their need and gives a rotation juggling mechanic to move away from FFB spam. There could be other options to the BFB buff. Instead of a mana regen buff, you could go with your next 2 spells cast cost 50% less mana. This would be a ‘mini’ clear casting buff. That might be fun party wide.

For SFB the buff it might be better to be a debuff on the target. That way it would help the other classes out side of the 5 man party in a raid. As it would help the moonkins and SP (they have one frost spell). I haven’t spent enough time with arcane barrage to really see how that interacts. Ideally it would buff 15% frost and arcane damage (similar to the shadow and fire buff). It would take 3 cast to hit 15%, so as not be too op in pvp. Make the debuff last 25 seconds so it isn’t too impact full on how arcane barrage/arcane blast rotation/interactions work for arcane mages. And shouldn’t be to big a deal for frost mages. As a lot of the frost mages tool kit is based on the chill effect SFB already gives.

A core issue is that Blizzard refuses to touch the arcane talent tree. This has a larger negative effect on Healing than arcane dps. This means that the only means we have for new effects basically comes from runes. They need to add more secondary effects to runes. For example: the added effect to helm rune that now allows mages to dispel magic. We just need waaay more secondary effects. Arcane Blast should extend the duration of temporal beacon to all players it heals by 1 second (simply added to the arcane blast rune). Rewind Time rune should add a secondary damage school of Holy to all Arcane spell. Making a mage healer casting SpellDivine dmg. This would drastically help to overcome the dreaded 1% resist issue (bec of a boss resists the spell no healing will occur). Mass regen should increase the mage’s haste by 10% for 10 seconds. Missile Barrage should allow missiles to be channeled while moving and increase the range of arcane damage spells by 6 yds. Etc Etc. My personal belief is they should focus entirely on Mage Healing for arcane since there are two other viable dps specs for mage’s to choose from. It is too much to hope they can fix arcane dmg and arcane healing in one go.

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Another well-written mage thread that provides devs more than enough information to drastically improve the class if they just delivered solutions to a handful of the commonly posted issues, some of which have existed since SoD launch.

I believe your probably right with most of what you’ve written haha, always hoping otherwise. More importantly I’d be very interested to know what you think the issue mage healer has and if you do have an idea on a change or suggestion to fix it? I value your opinion on this mostly because you play the exact same role as I do on the same server and have always performed at it better.

Honestly think you’ve hit the nail on the head of the core problem, we’ve seen minor changes to talent tree numbers such as shield slam so perhaps we could see these develop as well.

I share this sentiment completely and suspect it’s the healthiest and most plausible approach as well. Though I do believe that it needs to provide more group utility as major focus to see it have any preference to another healer instead of a perfection speed-run role exclusively.

I actually really enjoy where your heads at for the intended outcome of the effects.
Few mechanical things to note, MP5 regeneration for mages is largely multiplied by your spirit statistic and begins regeneration after five seconds of not casting. Most regeneration during combat that is passive or set effects are based on this number such as the arcane meditation talent. It is exceptionally complicated to figure that out around BFB’s spirit mechanic but I wish you luck with it.
The idea of SFB applying the debuff sounds incredible honestly, such a simple addition to aid in usefulness and provide class utility. Also TIL that druids have a frost spell.

Personally I think the fact we have a PTR now and we have seen at least a few feedback based changes so far is hopeful for the future and a good thing. Thanks for saying its well-written though I honestly had a hard figuring out how to organize the post I appreciate it.

If Dev’s took one thing away from this thread. I would hope it would be to revamp the arcane talent tree! It does not jive with the creation of a new healing class. Simply adding about 10 talent points of healing or support talents would suffice. If they are unwilling to do this…then add more secondary effects to runes please. Healing Mages need something or else we arent going to have a place in raids very soon!

Thanks for having a great post that hopefully catches the attention of Devs. We need simple, easy to implement items.

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The arcane tree does not jive with anything, by design. It’s always been made as a support tree for fire or frost. There is almost nothing specific to arcane in the tree, all it offers is mana increase tools and a few cooldowns.

That being said, they can modify runes much more easily than already existing talents. But in the end they know best what they can modify, so I’d suggest mostly bringing up issues rather than ask for a million different things to try to fix them.

Adding passives to talents would be easy (they’ve done it to Moonkin form now in multiple phases increasing moonfire dmg and now allowing dots to crit just to name 1 example of many). Not saying an entire revamp of the tree. And the same is true of adding secondary effects to runes. Yet, they arent really doing either. The changes are easy. (1) Arcane Blast extend temporal beacon by 1 second. (2) Increase the benefits of equipping “healing runes” like rewind time (ex Rewind Time also applies a Hot equal to 50% of the healing received over 12 seconds / or equipping Mage Armor converts regen into a Hot rather than a channel or Mage Armor increase the range of arcane only dps spells by 5 yds). Make decurse and dispel magic baseline spells. (3) Deep arcane talents that increase int or spirit or dmg of arcane only spells. (4) The arcane missiles talent also applies to Arcane Blast (preventing casting pushback) and allows missiles to be cast while moving. (5) Arcane Power no longer increases mana consumed by 30% and instead increases spell haste by 30%. These are all easy to implement ideas and very actionable and have been for 3 phases now. We arent seeing them because either they dont have the time or they dont think theres enough interest from player base (yet they magically have time to make massive upgardes to resto druids with tree form and adding an additional benefit of casting wrath in tree form…so all healing mages want is the same treatment).

Otherwise, next phase will be healing mages taking just mass regen and dps runes on the rest like its been for multiple phases. There is little to no motivation to taking Rewind Time over Molten Armor since we’d lose 5% crit. No motivation to take Regen over Burnout as we’d lose out on 15% crit. If they want mage healers just using mass regen then so be it. But the class has the potential to be so much more.

I agree that mages feel neglected compared to other classes, but you say things are easy a lot for someone who’s never seen WoW Classic’s CMS (if there even is one) or let alone the code itself.

Which is why you, or anyone else who doesn’t work at Blizz, don’t know how hard it is to change x or y. Endlessly suggesting changes is pretty counterproductive in this context, I think we need to focus more on outlining the problems rather than the solutions.