Arcane mage buffs

Thank god blizzard saw the need to buff arcane mages by 11% they were doing so poorly before.

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You must have missed the laundry list of NERFS they just got as well.

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Yup, such a fun class but oh well

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given how bad most arcane mages are in content, they need these buffs

Funniest thing I have read all day with ArcMage being in the top 3 RDPs for TWW

people keep saying arcane is op bla bla bla but then you do content with them and they barely do more than 600k dps on average

Sounds like you are finding some bad ones.

The same could be said about any class really. Arcane Mage just happens to be the weakest in survivability while also the greatest protentional for high DPS. I have been working hard to get mine up there in DPS but it requires such precision that it is no longer entertaining for me. At least with Ret pally all I have to do is mash random buttons and I’ll get top 5 easy in raids.