Add whatever you think might be better to improve my thoughts/suggestions. I’ve got a few I’ll throw out for the balance team. I know Blizz wants to wait for people to have more gear, but if these buffs cause Arcane to be OP and #1 ranged dps on the game… well you could just as easily undo these buffs or scale them down. Otherwise the arcane mage playerbase (and other low tier specs) will just be lost to re-rolls… or like me and on the verge of quitting the game.
Change Clearcasting from 1% per 250 mana spent to 1.5% per 250 mana spent. One of our best damage dealers is RNG and at best has a 30% chance to proc if we’re being dumb with mana… which we cannot afford to be (would be 36%, but that info is in my p.s. below). If we could have more reliable/less RNG damage we’d be able to compete with other specs. 1.5% chance per 250 mana would be a nice little buff to our damage and at best if we’re being dumb with mana (which we can’t do consistently) would be a 41.25 to 45% (56% if my below “bug” is fixed and can only really be done 1 maybe 2x pre-pull cause otherwise we’re literally doin nothing) chance to proc . Nothing too crazy IMO because it’s still less than a 50% RNG chance. It would make haste better for our spec in pve and make our conserve phase have more sustained damage as well.
Buff the base damage of Arcane Blast. Currently at around 200~ ilvl without bursting or any buffs besides Arcane Intellect my non-crit 4 Arcane Charged Arcane Blasts hit for about 3,000 damage. That’s not horrible, but considering I have to spend 1.4~ seconds and about 10% of my mana to cast it, that’s not too great. A nice little % damage boost to the base damage would be good IMO. 10-20%. Do not touch the mana cost of it though. That’d be a straight up nerf to clearcasting procs. Especially without the % chance being buffed.
Rework some talents. I’ll give a few examples of bad/good ones. I don’t want to go over all of them. I’m not trying to make arcane busted. Take these as suggestions and with a grain of salt. Not everything needs to be amazing.
Tier 1:
-Rule of 3: This stinks. No one uses this and it’s lame as heck compared to Amplification.
-Arcane Familiar: This is alright and gives you more “burst” on a long boss fight, but nothing overwhelmingly good. Maybe a few more casts of Arcane Blast.
-Amplification is great and should stay as is. It adds 30% more damage to an ability that already feels good to press.
Tier 2: I actually don’t hate this talent tier right now. Slipstream is about the only never picked talent that could use some work. Not sure what could be done here other than replacing it.
Tier 3: Not a bad tier. The only “buff” that could happen would be focus magic being undispellable. Maybe increase the crit chance to 10%?
Tier 4: Also not horrible. Has a cleave and single target option. We don’t really use Nether tempest and that could see some love.
Tier 5:
-Arcane Orb is good the way it is. I wouldn’t change it.
-Supernova is absolute garbo. Does less damage than Orb (single and multi target), doesn’t give charges, and has a 5 second longer CD.
-Reverberate needs to be a 100% chance to give more charges. The RNG makes it not viable at all. It would only be useful if it was 100% because then you could actually use it as intended and save globals and build charges quickly on cleave fights. The RNG of the current 50% chance makes it so you’d be wasting charges and make getting charges awkward. Like 1charge, 2 charge, 2 charge. Okay now we’ve got 4 and a 5th one that’s wasted. Or 2 charges, 1 charge, 2 charge. You get what I’m saying? It’s just not reliable and not worth taking over orb.
Tier 6: Another not-so-bad tier. I don’t really have much feedback here. The only “Weak” one as of now is Time Anomaly, but I don’t know what to do for this to make it an option. I’d say leave it be or change it to something else completely. If you mess around with this one it could get broken really fast.
And it’d be cool if radiant spark was moved to something other than arcane spell school - strictly talking pvp right now. I mean it can already be dispelled, but its also on our major spell school that holds all of our spells besides 3(?) that aren’t talents. Also if Radiant spark worked with Touch of the Magi. In december TotM was changed to not work with % dmg increases. IDK why, but even if it did benefit from Radiant Spark I don’t know that it’d be busted. Maybe it would be? Not sure.
That’s about all I have for you Please feel free to comment with any of your own ideas/suggestions/feedback.
P.S. Fix Conjure Mana Gem to proc Cearcasting. Based on the tooltip for Clearcasting it only requires you to spend mana for it to proc. It doesn’t say we have to be doing damage or in combat. Conjure mana gem is our highest mana cost ability (9000) and it doesn’t give clearcasting procs like it should according to the Clearcasting tooltip.
EDIT: These are just some rough ideas to increase our average DPS and remove some RNG from the Arcane spec. Hopefully bringing us up in the ranks and not laughed at by others when we’re playing Arcane. Yes I know some people can make it look good, but even the best Arcane mage’s aren’t coming close to the best Fire mage (the same with those poor frost mages). It doesn’t feel good to have 1/2 of our damage be random rng procs. It’s cool if the random rng is a nice spike in damage here and there, but shouldn’t be the other half of our top damage. Because if that RNG proc doesn’t show up then our DPS is just terrible. Kind of hard to fix with arcane having so few spells to work with for damage. Arcane was probably the most fun/best for me back in cata/mop when you had stuff from each spec to work with. I don’t know if I’d want a complete rework, but our damage is limited by going oom or rng from procs that aren’t a very high proc chance unless we’re ooming ourselves. Either way… we need some love.