Arcane Mage, 9.1.5 and 9.2 Arena

hold this.

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man you got some sort of hard on for me dont ya bud. Mobile? yeah. Mobile against other classes who have millions of gap closers, slows, and cc? not so much.


go tell venruki dumbass i’m just the messenger


I wouldn’t call Arcane mobility bad, but there are 3 major issues with it:

  • To maintain it you use Arcane Barrages and waste most Arcane Charges you can get. This is another countersynergy in the spec - maybe you would even want to spam 4 charged Arcane Blast that does 20% more damage in PVP (though its damage is still not impressive), but you are constantly out of Charges and without them both its cast time and damage are bad. If you don’t spam Arcane Barrage or use Chrono Shift talent, big part of this mobility is gone.
  • Rune of Power, as Venruki wrote in that post too, provides another countersynergy - to deal at least noticeable damage you need to stay in its empower radius and kiting in 8m radius around the rune even with 50% speed boost is kinda hard. If you play Incanter’s Flow, the damage boost of it is barely noticeable. This is the reason why he asked to un-nerf it.
  • 50% speed boost is not very helpful when your most damaging spells are stationary casts / channels. If you run with the speed boost, you deal little to no damage (Arcane Barrage / Fire Blast / Arcane Orb). If you stay in a place and deal damage, this speed boost provides little value to you. If you use missiles, interrupt them yourself very quickly whenever melee is close to you, kite them and use missiles again, you still can run OOM quickly (interrupted by yourself channel of missiles still consumes full channel cost) and running OOM in PVP is dangerous - your only way to restore Mana quickly is Evocation and if is interrupted, your ability to deal damage is severely diminished for a long period of time.

As a result, Arcane has just too many drawbacks / vulnerabilities and decent mobility does not compensate them enough.


Not a bad idea. Solid.

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I was goofing around with veny arcane on PTR.

Having its own version of Blazing soul would feel much nicer then short alter.
Slipstream being a passive of clearcasting would also feel nice for kiting situations.

Purge vulnerability on arcane feels pretty bad, I tried dueling an enhance there and between his self heals and purge spam I couldn’t budge him. I couldn’t imagine it in 3s with turbo running full speed at me doing the same thing. Well I could imagine it I just wouldn’t wanna be on other end of it.

Vs double melee training kicks/mobility/purge on you while they PVE you down I don’t see how arcane will do well in 9.2.

Damage wise if your allowed to do a full mirror/magi arcanosphere with pom/AP/On use and spam ablasts into it its pretty impressive. Basically only in a triple cross RMP setup is arcane functional. Edit: Arcane execute hits like a truck

Even then fire is much safer option and not stopped as easily with much shorter burst windows. 9.2 will def be melee cleave patch esp with how strong rets are on PTR and melee in general

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No we need another new melee only class added, and then make arcane a melee spec

And maybe just remove pvp talents from warlocks permanently. And a two-month window of time where any warriors can go male orc for free.

Release candidate build deployed to PTR. Only one pvp change in months of PTR - death bolt for affliction locks nerfed. Pack it up boys, we gave it the good ol’ college try. Lets attempt again on the next expansion beta in 10 months. lol


I think we should continue trying. After all, making Clearcasting undispellable and 5s longer duration, unnerfing Incanter’s Flow, increasing damage of Supernova / Arcane Orb (for second ability maybe only in PVP) and increasing damage of Arcane Blast / Arcane Missiles by X% in PVP only is not that hard to do even as a hotfix / mid-expansion fix.

And yes, it is a bump.


I do not have a lot of experience playing arcane mage in pvp. Last time I did was in legion and it felt pretty good. I actually think (could be wrong) it was the first expansion since I started (in wotlk) where it had a decent-good representation in pvp.

Now, what everyone here seems to agree with as well as myself, is that there need to be some talent changes, some damage adjustments, and make a few of arcane mages procs unpurgeable.

But I think I have only read a few comments on doing a few more things with the “space and time” aspect. So I was thinking maybe arcane could get something sort of like a pocket dimension utility spell.

I’m not game balance dev so it might be op but hear me out.

What about a spell where the arcane mage tears open a rift into space. Upon entering your mana is drained at an initial rate of say 10 (for easy maths) and doubling every half second you are in the rift. During this time the arcane mage heals half the mana spent while in the rift and can move around. The mage cannot be damaged during this time or slowed but you can cc so stuns/roots/and so on. Any buffs (clear casting) cannot be purged during the rift walk and have their count down timer paused.

The arcane mage can be seen by a texture maybe some sort of purple/blue wavey line. I was wanting to also say it could reduce the cds of the arcane mage shields by perhaps .1 second for every 100 mana spent (again for easy maths.)

The cd on this ability should be 5 minutes.

Again I’m not a balance dev I just think it would be a pretty unique ability for an arcane mage and help a little bit with sustain/purge protection/kiting. In my (albeit limited) experience if your shield and iceblock is down as an arcane mage you are a very easy kill and don’t have the sustain to keep yourself alive to wait for cds. It also feels like you have to always be 2 steps ahead to find success as an arcane mage. and a single misplay could cost you the game.

Just my two cents on the matter, I don’t claim to be very good at arcane mage pvp so if I tilted anyone with my suggestion my apologies lol

edited for spelling

Your suggestion is interesting, but I have several additions:

  1. Rift does not need to drain Mana. Mana is already a very limited resource for Arcane Mages, especially in PVP, where they usually play with low Mastery. Limited duration should be enough.
  2. Your suggestion reminds me of removed Evanesce ability. Maybe it is easier for them to just return it, but make it usable alongside Ice Block and not replace it as earlier. To keep Arcane’s survivability in line, it could be a PVP talent instead of Temporal Shield.

Fair enough.

I was trying to come up with a trade off for being invulnerable/having procs countdown stop. I guess it could be a 30 second CD and only lasted perhaps, 4-5 seconds balancing the healing as required of course for such an ability.

I remember that old school Evanesce. Absolutely loved it. It was a glyph that made it heal if I recall correctly. Would love to have that back for sure. Anything to make arcane at least B tier for pvp would be nice really. I just feel it’s sustain in both heals and damage is what holds the specialization back.

Obviously not asking for arcane to have absurd damage and healing. I think we have all seen how that plays out on certain classes I won’t mention here for the sake of not tilting anyone lol.

Change arcane back to how it was played at the end of legion, it was very strong, but mechanically that was when arcane was the most fun to play.

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Thank you for making this post. I used your characters (Numbing and Oneschool) as a guide for gearing my own Mage. Agree with all your points. I have a similar post here: Arcane in PvP

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bump it real good.

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