Hello, I am a bit fuzzy on arcane lore, beyond the use of it requiring intellegence.
Can it be used to empower a being to peak strength? And if it can, how? Can it do it without causing addiction?
Hello, I am a bit fuzzy on arcane lore, beyond the use of it requiring intellegence.
Can it be used to empower a being to peak strength? And if it can, how? Can it do it without causing addiction?
The arcane is addictive… that’s plain fact.
The more you use it the more you open yourself to addiction.
And if you’re using it on your own body, you’re on the express train to Withering.
Eventually you’ll be like this fellow. (Never open Dr. Strange’s refrigerator)
Thank you for your response.
I’m aware of the effects of the addiction.
But can it be used to empower one’s strentgh?
Also to add on the questions, can be used to mimic solid objects like hammers in lore?
I also heard that the arcane can heal, is this true?
Passive Exposure to Arcane in the form of Radiation causes withdrawal when it’s cut off but taking it directly into yourself causes eventual withering.
The Blood Elves that drained too much Arcane at once strengthen the Body’s addiction to the point where they Wither instantly.
One Nightfallen who absorbed too much Arcane from Arcane Crystals became a Withered as a result.
It’s like Arcane creates a Black Hole within the host’s Body that gets stronger the more it is directly filled in an instant. It is also a Black Hole that dissipates over time in a manner similar to how Black Holes dissipate into Hawking Radiation.
Fel on the other hand doesn’t wither the Host’s Body yet fills the Mind with Doubt(as mentioned in Chronicle Vol.3) and that Doubt makes one want more Fel!
If Arcane is like a Black Hole so full it’s sucking everything into it then Fel is like a Vacuum that can never be filled.
Yes it can empower the host.
It makes food for eating so yes.
Can it heal directly? like say a healing spell?
So if you where to say create lore to have a arcane user imitate paladin abilities how would you do so while they avoid the addictive properties of the arcane?
I want to make sure it’s lore appropiate with the magic before I start advocating for an arcane class skin for paladins.
It does actually, this is one reason Gul’dan and many Warlocks look so old, Fel feeds off life force energy and drains life from everything around it. It’s also one of the reasons Illidan only ever chose Elves for DHs, their longer lifespan meant the Fel wouldn’t turn them into elderly husks nearly as fast.
Oh hey herne, didn’t know you talk in the story board, my first time here honestly lol.
I go here, there, everywhere…and I mean EVERYWHERE. As far as Arcane boosting bodily physique, I believe this is the reason given why many Arch-Mages are so long lived even in short lived races like humans, the Arcane energies they wield fortify their bodies and keep them in good shape. Unfortunately too much like Fel can as mentioned have the opposite effect (aging them more rapidly in seconds like Khadgar or Jaina).
You can certainly write it that way. Keep in mind that there are no standard rules as to what the boundaries of the arcne are. There is however plenty of lore support for the corruptive effects of arcane applied to the body.
The Lantern Power Ring Class is two doors down and to the right.
There is no lore support for such a supposition.
I thought in lore khadgar was cursed to look old.
I thought I heard something like using arcane to cauterize wounds or something of the like.
That’s when you’re using Fire. One has to be judicial in doing this though, it’s very easy to apply a LOT more fire than intended. That’s not a healing effect though that’s just sealing the breach.
Ah nevermind, Sargeras (as Medivh) tried to rip out his soul and took a good chunk of his life force.
Ingesting the Fel Blood the first time aged Gul’dan to white hair but once you become a Demon the Fel stops aging you.
I’ve never seen any instance of Arcane turning someone into an Arcane Elemental due to overdose like one turns into a Demon from Fel Overdose! It withers way too quickly for that!
Fel’s hunger is for Life while Arcane needs everything it can get it seems!
By Sargeras no less.
The guy probably used Fel to suck the Life out of him. Probably the same color as that of Sargeras’s Sword so Orange Fel in otherwords.
What is the story with orange fel anyways? Is it a more potent variation of fel?
Pure, concentrated Felfire… mixed with a bit of dark hate energies kinda like the Shas.
No idea. We only know that Sargeras’s Sword uses it.
It may be heavily suffused with Revendreth’s Anima.
Anima/Spirit is the lifeforce that Fel feeds on whether it be Life(where it sometimes takes the form of Blood) or Death(Cyan, Rainbow, Azure, Green, Indigo, Blue, Red, Blue-Grey, White, Purple, Golden or more Azure to give examples from Shadowlands).
I don’t see why Arcane energy couldn’t heal somebody. I think the only type of magic I’ve never seen used for healing of any kind is death magic.
Withering is an effect that has only been observed in elves, so far as I’m aware.
The Draenei built a society that thrived on magic for thousands upon thousands of years, and despite all of that magic, they’re incredibly long lived and don’t look like they’ve withered in the slightest.
If anything, magic has been linked to an increase in lifespan for most races (Trolls to Night Elves as an example). We’ve even seen it used to preserve youthful appearance and promote a longer-than-natural lifespan (Agewynn).
Using arcane magic to enhance one’s physical strength probably wouldn’t be all that demanding on the body depending on the duration and frequency this effect was used.
Kyrian use it for healing in Korthia. All 6 Cosmic Forces can heal it seems.
From what i understand from cosmic forces, they all do things allitle differently then the others.
Like while void can heal, it does not like and tries to bring misery and suffering to the one healed as repayment for it.
If the arcane can heal, how would it heal?