Arcane Changes Feedback

Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

The reason I’m discussing this here is because while this flow-wise works in single target (i.e. incentivizes Arcane Missiles —> Blast —> Blast —> Barrage flow priority; TBD based on sims), it presents a problem for AoE situations.

In AoE for Spellslinger Arcane, to my knowledge, you only want to use Arcane Blast once during your Touch of the Magi window in order to proc Magi’s Spark’s damage. Otherwise, the main use of Nether Precision consumption is for Arcane Barrage (because it does more AoE damage, especially in execute)

The reason the above change makes AoE worse specifically is that Spellslinger consumption of Nether Precision by Arcane Barrage in AoE also spawns Arcane Splinters, which have a chance to proc Arcane Orb via Spellfrost teachings, which can grant you 4 Arcane Charges and thus allowing you to Barrage again (thus feeding into this Barrage spam loop in AoE which is quite fun in my opinion)

Now I did see you updated the Orb proc rate on Spellfrost teachings, but I do want you to keep this Orb proc rate in mind when you make these changes so that the AoE rotation isn’t too impacted, since the current AoE Spellslinger rotation is quite fun in my opinion.

One suggested change I was going to suggest to help streamline this rotation is the following:

  • Arcane Missiles now grants 1 Nether Precision charge (down from 2).
  • Only Arcane Blast can consume Nether Precision (like you already did)
  • Nether Precision buffed from 20% —> 40%
  • Aether vision now only has 1 stack and grants the benefit if 2 stacks at 1 stack
  • Nether Precision grants 1 stack of Aether vision

The purpose behind this being simply to have your rotation being Arcane Missiles —> Blast —> Barrage rather than 2 arcane blasts.

Also, I would reduce the rage cost of Revenge for Prot war given the massive rage nerfs you did.

These are good suggestions and clearly more thought out than whatever happened with the proposed implementation in 11.1 but honestly, and I’m sure you’ll agree OP, they just need to revert back to the way it was on release.

Aethervision was created to replace a mechanic that has existed for a decade+ across multiple specs, but instead of just making the UI for it more intuitive or understandable, the solution complicated the flow of the spec - contrary to their stated design goals. Double dipping was fun and easy to understand, it just needed some kind of indicator in game.

Please. Just go back to how Arcane was at the launch of TWW. It was the best it had been in years. All they needed to do was bring Spellslinger’s DPS in-line with Sunfury and give Sunfury some more arcane-colored visuals. That was it! The dish was perfect, and now they’ve burnt it.

The adversarial relationship Blizzard has with one of the most iconic classes in fantasy is insane. Arcane has had more bad patches than good patches at this point. Meanwhile, Mistweaver is getting their umpteenth improvement in a row and is on track to be as OP as ever. Can we have their dev?

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Does it really even need an in game indicator when mechanics like Pandemic for DoT’s and HoT’s haven’t had ANY in game indicator throughout their entire existence?

I’m not even convinced that it’s possible to fix Aethervision to get it to act like double dipping after testing the newest change to remove Arcane Barrage from Nether Precision, it just feels worse than it ever has to play.

There was no reason, NO REASON AT ALL for them to go to war against double dipping like they did.

We want our spec back.