(Arcane) Can I disable spellfire spheres?

I know you could disable those other fire spheres on fire spec, back in like BfA or something. But I’m arcane and these spheres are driving me nuts. I went to the mage trainer and I can’t disable them, can’t find anything in my spellbook. Is there a way? Or is this just something we’re hoping for them to implement.


Not to my knowledge.

I share your distaste. I’m in this weird position where I like Sunfury because, hey cool little fire bird, but not because I want to go all in on the Kael’thas aesthetic, and unfortunately these little orbs are part of the package.

I hope they add a way to remove them, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. It took them years to increase the effect on Shadowpriest’s glyph that reduces the visual effects of Shadow Form so sPriests could finally see their transmog, so who knows if this will ever be implemented.


What’s funny is that back in Legion, mages had a similar effect of fire spheres around their head. Players hated it, and eventually Blizzard added a way to turn it off.

Apparently, today’s WoW developers forgot all about that.


I think sometimes the team really under-estimates how much visual styling and aesthetics matters to a lot of people. Always appreciate more options or, at the very least, the option to turn something off / disable it, if it’s a bold style or something a lot of people may not like for their character.


They have always underestimated it and underinvest in it, it’s tragic really. And the worst part is that all of these really cool assets already exist in the game but just aren’t available to players, only NPCs. Enabling or disabling these options is incredibly easy and indeed any amateur modder can do it for games that allow it. And I speak from experience here because I don’t have the slightest bit of understanding of how that stuff works but I was easily able to do it for Elden Ring. So a professional really has no excuse.

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#RevolvingDoor :joy:

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It makes me uncomfortable when folks are always staring at my balls.


Really now? That just makes them robbing us of our floating shards in Legion to give yall that even more infuriating.

We were told that us keeping it hurt mage class fantasy… for a visual effect many didn’t want.

In that though, I don’t like them on my mage either. It doesn’t fit arcane. Fits Fire fine but I’m not allowed to play fire so…

I too wish I could turn these off.

As a defensively weak mage, I want to attract as little attention as possible in pvp. The giant orange balls aren’t helping.

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I wanna play Spellslinger so bad. I’ll take a 5% dps tax if I get to play it again, but 20% was too much. I genuinely dislike the Sunfury orb permanence and the Phoenix doesn’t do it for me. It’s so… passive.

Aww, is that why you play a diminutive Vulpera? :sweat_smile::joy:


Absolute garbage tier decision by someone who simply doesn’t give a flying…you know.
This dumb crap always in my face plus the super trash tier fire damage, I’m done with mage and these terrible devs. I’ll be voting with my wallet in a few days, not resubbing and giving my money to Throne and Liberty for the next year.

Piggybacking on this to request blizzard to please either

a) add an option to toggle spheres visual effect off/on completely or
b) add a glyph to disable spheres visual effect out of combat

I also think there should be a glyph to turn the spheres more purple


Felo’Melorn fire balls in legion was waaaaay better than this. Lame :frowning:

I hate the orange spheres as well, ruins the Arcane fantasy. Give a way to turn these OFF!

I thought I was the only one.

I hate how the spheres look. I keep hoping spellslinger gets buffed so that I don’t have to see them anymore.

Please give us a glyph to remove them.

I think they are trying to make more abilities have a visual impact so that people don’t use addons to see them. But there is already SO much going on, I can’t see anything anyways! I have to use weakauras to see stuff like that because there are a billion other spells and mechanics going off it’s really not feasible

Same thing with magi’s spark. They hid the buff because why? To remove dependency on addons?? I just wound up with a more complicated weakaura to track it.

Blizz just refused to let us hide the spheres, instead Blizz nerfed Sunfury so hard, that you get to play Spellslinger now. Problem solved…