Arcane barrage

Is it just my terrible luck or does the aoe portion of arcane barrage have only like a 1 yard range. I know it specifies nearby but there are several spells and effects similar to that that have a much more reasonable range to it IMO.
I went to go use arcane barrage on a fairly tight group of enemies and it only smacked the one in the face, but not the guy that was 1-2 feet away from him. Am i unlucky, does the aoe portion just suck, or am i just not understanding how the AOE portion is supposed to work when you have max arcane charges?

Is this a fresh pack of adds? I think the code doesn’t recognize adds other than the one you’re targetting to be in combat.

I usually just AE the whole pack at least once before baragging to be safe

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That might be the case, however that could definitely use a change if so. I really dont want to have to get into melee range right off the bat, being a mage and all. This is the only ranged cleave ability that ive seen that has this issue so far.

You don’t have to target them but you do have to be in combat with them. So if you barrage a half second before the tank pulls a pack, it will only hit your target, since you’re not in combat with the others.


It also will try to avoid cleaving things that are crowd controlled. So yeah there’s some cases where it can’t cleave.

But aside from that, the range is small. And it’s generally unfavourable when dealing with mobs that have a large hitbox (i.e. not being able to barrage cleave on stuff like thought harvesters).

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Thanks for the info guys.

It’s probably so that you don’t cleave things you aren’t in combat with like a hostile mob among a thousand other neutral mobs.

Funny, I came here to ask just this. I haven’t seen that spell cleave in ages. I’m running Legion raids for mogs and I feel like it never cleaves, or does once or twice per raid at best.

Coming from a class like hunter (multi-shot/barrage) to arcane mage, and having what’s supposed to be my cleave not cleave, is really frustrating. I can understand why they’d program it differently, but personally it doesn’t feel good when playing.

arcane barrage only cleaves in combat. use slow on a target then use it. or arcane blast at 4 charges and use barrage. but always be in combat when you use barrage. Unless you’re just trying to run really fast, because you’re spec’d into chrono shift. it’s how i get through lower tiered content fast.

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