There’s this npc called Zidormi, down in the Arathi Highlands. I cannot for the life of me figure out why I can’t use her to go back to the old version of this area, the option simply isnt there.
I don’t know if it’s bugged or what because every other instance of Zidormi I’ve run into works fine. If there’s some kind of quest I have to do in able to be allowed to do this I have no clue what that is because nobody on any forum seems to know and the game doesn’t tell you.
I’ve scoured old forum posts and wowhead to no avail. Some help or anything would be greatly appreciated as I have been trying to figure this out for like 4 hours as of writing this, I just want to try to get the Kovork Kostume so I can in some small way play as an ogre since I have no way to get the Carved Ogre Idol since that’s an ancient tie-in item back from when there was UDE points back when that was even a thing. it’s the only thing I’ve found that accomplishes a similar goal.
That does not help me. I’ve been scouring Wowhead and other forums all morning. Why is it so hard to find concise info like “go to X, do This quest up through to this quest, then you’ll have the thing you want unlocked” Like why’s info about Zidormi and Chromie both so messed up and poorly understood by seemingly everyone. I WOULD look it up but that hasnt been working so good, I’ve gotten leads on like 5 completely separate questlines, some of which are defunct now according to Wowhead.
Looking at the NPC list… They are not shown as to be on the list.
Look on your map for the icon for them.
I think if the flag is not on your map. You would not have the option to use them to change timeline.
That’s the part I want to rectify. Cause they’re down there I guarantee it, down south, they’re just not flagged on the map and you can’t use 'em to change the timeline. Most people I’ve talked to say it’s tied to being able to do the weird BFA wartime stuff but that’s like weird and time-based, and supposedly nobody queues up for it these days. It baffles me that Zidormi would be tied to that in the first place, like that’s terrible implementation since I just want to do the PVE in the area.
Alliance has a quest to kill a NPC inside the bridge. That quest is in-between wetlands and Arathi.
Just outside the bridge is that time NPC.
I do believe you need to be higher in level to see the warfront area. To change the timeline. In order to do the warfront. The NPC for the table is on dock(Horde BFA starting area.)… in front of ship area… The Alliance is behind ship on dock in Brealus.
If you click on the table it should tell you what level you need to be.
Ya you must do the BFA quests to open that table up then. There should be a bunch of NPC’s around the table. I think it was a weekly quest…not sure at 50ish.
Warfront BFA…
Warfronts in Battle for Azeroth - Wowhead