So as the title says, the Ara’Kara black blood pools aren’t rooting properly. I’m playing my Mistweaver and I’m trying to get my best in slot item, the Sacbrood. All other bosses are going swimmingly, but the final boss is the kicker. The other mechanics are doing fine with the poison and avoiding swirlies, but the black blood pools are the most frustrating bit.
Basically, each time I try and enter a pool, it’s a coin flip as to whether or not I get rooted or not. More often than not, I’ll just die to the mechanic due to the blood not catching me. Is there something I’m missing?
Do you have the talent that makes it so while your Celestial is out you can’t be rooted?
I’ve seen lots of janky stuff happen on that fight.
- I got snared once, and after the snare there was no blob on me to interrupt. Apparently if you jump while getting snared it can bug the location of your snare blob? I’ve only seen that once.
- I’ve seen healers dispel right as the snot wave debuff is applied, oneshotting people with instant wave releases before people can aim the waves.
- I’ve watch my monk healer die cause he had the talent that Zhiyuwanju mentioned.
- I’ve died from people stealing my snare puddle.
- I’ve killed others by stealing their snare puddle.
I just hate that fight man. It’s currently my least favorite boss out of any keystone I’ve done sofar – which is all of them.
There are workarounds to most of the problems you’ll run into – but I 1000000% get the annoyance with that fight.
Check talents and do not interrupt the little blood if you do it will free you from the root.
The only one that would make the root not happen would be Tiger’s Lust, as I’m a Conduit of the Celestials healer. Nothing really in my kit, unless I’m overlooking something, would cause the root not to happen.
You can set your transcendence at the edge of the platform and when you get sucked in just port away, should be up for every suck in.
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Without seeing your character I can only guess and offer possibilities:
- Tigers lust
- swift art
- invoke chi-ji
- dispels or effects that give dispel?
- proccing dmg with vivify?
- knock backs or cc?
- maybe you have so much snare reduction that it doesn’t like you?
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Swift art would only reduce snare time, I have not actually USED Tiger’s Lust at all in my tenure as Mistweaver, and would casting Vivify really stop the Black Blood’s root? And would a knockback effect the root?
What’s happening here isn’t something getting nullified here, it’s me stepping in a fresh pool, the blood spawning, and the pool just follows me around attacking me.
If the ooze is kicked/silenced/cc’d/pushed/killed then you won’t be gripped. It has to maintain its channelled spell to keep you rooted until after the boss finishes.
If casting vivify procced damage that killed the ooze, yes, but you’re saying it’s not even rooting you so disregard that.
Knocking the mob back will stop its channel, leaving you without a root to hold you.
That’s what I’m saying though, nothing is happening to this blood. I am walking into the blood, and that is all that is going on. There is nothing to knock back the mob, just me stepping in the pool.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I main a paladin and every single time the vacuum effect goes off I instantly cast Blessing of Freedom on whoever in the party I like the least just for funsies.
And all we can do is mention things that could prevent or remove the rooting effect. I’m as eager to find the answer as you are, but I don’t have much to go on right now.
I’m not having a go at you or anything, just offering up things to look into.
As far as the mechanic goes:
- hit the humanoids to make them drop a puddle
- walk into the puddle while boss starts casting her ability
- an ooze will spawn and start channelling a root on you
- if you or your party do anything to prevent the ooze channelling or rooting, the root will not work
- once the bosses ability is over, interrupt/cc/knock/kill the add so you can move again
If you still believe you’re doing the mechanic correctly, then you’ll probably have to submit a bug report or something.
I haven’t heard anything about a widespread bug where lots of people are not getting gripped, so the only help I can offer is that you’re missing an interaction that is preventing you from being rooted.
Is it possible someone was already in the puddle you chose and the reason the ooze chased you is healer aggro? As it’s one puddle per person and first come first served.
If you want a 100% clear answer you would probably have to record the fight and post it somewhere for people to watch and tell you what happened.
Edit: I also looked at mist talents yesterday, and in the mist weaver tree apparently chi-ji the red crane will also make you immune to roots and is on a 1min CD. But I don’t know what talents you have on your main.
I also wonder if being in the air (roll + double jump for the cute Lil dash) could effect it, but Idk.
Oh no I’m taking this all in stride here. I’m mostly explaining that all that I’m finding here is that none of these possibilities really happened in my time in Ara’kara. It may be Chi-ji since I often use them as a healer cooldown to handle the poison… Much experimenting to be had though.
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Could be, invoke chi-ji does say his presence makes you immune to movement impairing effects (for 25 seconds!) and if you have gift of the celestials two rows below then it’s up every minute, which could line up with your claim that it’s 50-50 on being rooted as it sounds like you’d have close to 50% uptime on root immunity? (unless I’m dumb)
I don’t know if you’d have to swap to yulon for this dungeon or have to resort to risky methods like cheesing the pull with transcendence or hoping you don’t cast chi-ji at the wrong time.
The trick to playing monk is to never touch the puddles. You just place your spirit at a distance and teleport when the big pull happens. The CD also lines up perfectly for every suck.
Other fun ways to die - if you are a resto druid with the talent that will pop you into tree form after using 3 swiftmends, turning into the tree will free you from the snare and you will probably die.
Watching any spec of druid enter a puddle, decide to shift, and then get killed by being sucked in.
Watching a paladin badly time a blessing of freedom and getting himself and another person killed.
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Do you have any logs of a run where this happened to you?
Kinda buggy sometimes. I had an issue getting pulled through the puddles into the boss if I was positioned more than a couple of yards from it. I’ll take it over Dawnbreaker though, that place is riddled with bugs, luckily it’s pretty free with a very loose timer.
Most probably one of your teammates stepped in the same pool as you, they got the flop, you didn’t
That sounds like the pull put you too high for the puddle to register