Arachnophobia filter...seriously

Dude, it’s a filter in a damn video game.
I’m not splitting hairs over this anymore, it’s ridiculous This thread even exists.

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I’m just breaking down the attempt to amplify the problem by repeating that it’s “more than the population of America” by putting things in perspective a bit.

In reality it’s probably less people affected by this (in this game) than the pop of most individual cities picked at random. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are more people in my town of ~20k than there are who could benefit from this filter in this game.

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they arent afraid of spiders in a half shell LOL

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So it seems. So it seems.

I love it!!!

Since they are opening that bag of worms, I have a fear of dragons,fix my phobia next. I want the entire dragonflight expansion cancelled.

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Does filter (Arachnophobia) works on bugs as well? Beetle family…? roaches etc?

I also have arachnophobia, however i see that as part of the “charm”. I love horror games though so anything that bothers me adds more to the atmosphere.

Feel the same way about sharks in the water of games. Freaks me the heck out and i love it.

Im also a weird sob cus my favorite emotion in video games or movies is fear.


And that would take even more work as each species would need to be mapped as, despite what posters here keep claiming, it takes more than just a toggle.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Spiders,
Spiders in a half shell,
Spider power!!!

Spiders have been in the game since forever and I’ve never heard people not playing the game over it, we’ve had nerubian themed dungeons with mostly spider enemies before so I don’t see the point of this besides ruining the theming. Also this is just a slippery slope, devs will have to dedicate more time to every little phobia people have to appease them or avoid having any spider or creepy bug type enemy in a game because some people have never been in nature apparently and think insects are the most terrifying thing out there.

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Arachnophobia has existed since forever.

We’ve had multiple statements from this thread alone disproving that.

If you don’t want the filter on why are you turning it on?

The Slippery Slope Fallacy is a fallacy for a reason, you’re relying on fear rather than actually addressing the situation.

People are more than welcome to request more filters and the like, you just made up an assumption that the devs will implement it and another assumption that the game will suffer for it.

Not how Arachnophobia works but thank you for announcing how pointless any future interaction with you is.


You clearly don’t actually understand said fallacy. Whether or not it’s truly a fallacy is dependent on context/situation.

It’s a fair assumption or at least a fair concern. You dismissing both out of hand… now that isn’t really fair at all.

They should probably submit feedback that they’d like a feature to turn spiders AND crabs into something else. If enough people submit the same feedback, maybe they’ll do something about it.



Absolutely. Because most people want that, whereas .0000000000000000000000001% of people suffer from arachnophobia.

Who knew adding a filter for spiders would cause a portion of players to freak out. Guess people were just bored and were looking to start arguments for no valid or logical reason.


I don’t know.

I am an arachnophobic, have had more than one :poop:-my-pants encounters with spiders in the game and yet can see good points being made on both sides of the fence.

3 to 6% but continue making claims that have nothing to do with reality.

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Never would have thought Crab People would get checked off on my South Park to reality bingo card.

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