Aquapo/ZC farming

Trying to catch Aquapo pet from Aquilon in Zaralack Caverns.

Is this once a day per account?

Or can you use multiple characters each day to try and get the pet?

iirc, the mounts are once a day per account. You can’t farm them. But I’m not sure pets works the same way, I read the write-up on Wowhead, and it doesn’t mention this issue.

AFAIK, it’s once per day per character, like most world rares. So, within the limits of how the rare spawns or doesn’t and how soloable it is (or the rarity of getting a group), somewhat farmable.

But the terrible drop rate isn’t much help.

AFAIK, it’s once per day per character, like most world rares. So, within the limits of how the rare spawns or doesn’t and how soloable it is (or the rarity of getting a group), somewhat farmable.

But the terrible drop rate is another matter.

I don’t recall this. Certainly, the Pandaria world boss mounts are completely farmable, once per day per char.

Sorry, yes that’s true for all legacy content.

Blizzard changed that. If not most (not all) things in DF, then definitely in ZC. For now-- let’s stick to ZC.

ZC has its own rules. If you’re mount farming and trying to get Karotka, it’s once a day per account. You can’t farm it with alts.

This is why people were so ESPECIALLY ticked off when they changed the spawn patterns of the Rares in ZC. It just meant that much fewer attempts. If you could just thrown 50 alts at it, it wouldn’t matter that much. But since it’s only once a day, any change to Rare spawns is a major PITA.

So… I don’t think you can farm this pet. Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to assume it’s once per day.

I would appreciate a cite for this.

The way I remember it (I got Karokta mount 2+ months ago and I haven’t farmed anything there since) is that the FIRST time you see Karokta, it will be a “Silver Star” mob. That means it’s a fresh kill, his ENTIRE loot table is open to you.

So I kill him on my main, and get nothing. I switch to an alt.

Take the alt there, and now Karakta WILL NOT have a Silver Star. Even though the alt hasn’t killed this mob.

Which means: the loot table is truncated. Rare items (eg: mounts) will not drop.

I could be wrong… but I don’t think I am.

If the alt doesn’t see the rare as a silver, they you would be correct, and that would be true of all drops (pets, mounts, dragon appearances, gear, etc.).

If you believe they’re once per day per account, pet drops would not be an exception and you already know your answer.

At this point as ZC isn’t current content it would probably be far more efficient to just farm up the 50k and buy it off the AH.