Hello everyone, i am here yet again to post feedback about sod, i really enjoy this so i would like to see it keep thriving.
My piece of feedback today is around AQ40 tier and the future tier 3 / anything past that, that might be implemented
I understand that changing things for AQ40 right now is probably too much trouble for too little reward but please listen to this:
Originally, since there was only one version of the sets for each class, a quest was enough, bringing the mats + tokens for the piece of loot that you wanted.
The devs decided to changed that on AQ40 since we have multiple sets per class now and i frankly do not know why.
In any other raid, you could get your offspec gear by simply turning a token into the vendor and getting your desired tier piece, now on AQ and Naxx, you need to bring other materials as well, making basically any offspec piece cost too much for the effort (imo)
I would like to see them implement the quests back, with the first turn in allowing us to choose which spec gets the gear, much like the enchants in ZG, but after that, the npc no longer offers the quest, but becomes a vendor that turns JUST THE TOKEN into an offspec or secondary piece of your choosing, i dont think its a good idea to have to pay hundreds of gold or wait months for prices to drop(which might never happen since people will stop running those raids at some point and prices go back up)
What else do you guys think about this? Is there something im overlooking or a better way to implement something like this?