AQ20 needs to be nerfed. Stop listening to the try hards

You need more elixir of the honey badger.

You did normal, you cleared up to Visc, and were done, that was not HM at all.

Ain’t no way in hell a pug is clearing AQ big.

pretty sure hes simpin and actually is thinking of aq10

What was your strat for Fank HM? Running it in a PUG and thinking maybe our strat is off

He’s a complete idiot because AQ20/Little AQ/Ruins of AQ/AQ10 for SoD doesn’t include the bosses Fankriss, Twin Emperors, or Cthun like OP had mentioned in his post.


Strat is stack entire raid on boss’s tail, and every dps ignores the boss and aoe cleave.

Shadowbolt volley, mind sear, swipe, carve, etc. Every dps needs to use their aoe runes and just let splash damage kill the boss while killing the adds.

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Ouro didnt even submerge on us.
Then after we killed him…laying dead with loot window open, little bugs spawned and we had to kill them.


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No I don’t think most people want it changed. New content is not ment to be cleared by a pug of poorly geared players on week one of release. The bosses are fine , twin emps is not one shotting (although almost) most tanks, if you are getting 1 shot you either are not using consumables, and flasks, don’t have proper tanking gear, or have 0 shadow resistance( need 221) .

Asking for a nerf on fankris, the only tank and spank loot piñata of the raid his hillarious. If people are unable to handle Fankris mechanic as he is now, which is litterally just swap and kill adds, those people have no business asking for the raid to be nerfed.

Needing to do mechanics properly, use consumes and know how to swap targets and not stand in bad has nothing to do with people being try hards as much as the people complaining can’t handle playing the game in its simplest of versions. Please don’t try to half a** a raid and mechanics and then come cry that it needs to be nerfed.

If you are having so much trouble with it as is as a pug, consider pugging extra people , you can bring up to 39 , that is your nerf right there.

Post on your sod character or link your logs of you beating fank pre nerf with 20 people.

You want our hard mode logs from last night? Or the ones from wow classic?

Why would I want wow classic logs for fankriss, a 30 second fight where you ignore the adds?

Fankriss was nerfed yesterday. You didn’t clear him before he had his hp cut by 1m and his worm adds had their hp cut by over 50%?

We cleared him on Monday but ok, just cause you are bad at the game does not mean other people cant do the simplest boss in aq 40 lol.

Use a rogue tank for Fankris, he can pop evasions and drop the mortal strike stacks

Can you link the logs or the name of your sod character?

“Simplest boss in aq 40”

Hp nerfed by over 1M and worms hp reduced by over 50% with first reset. :clown_face:

So your answer to a slightly difficult boss encounter is to nerve it into the ground so that every single pug with no gear or decent common sense are able to clear it mindlessly. And this guy calls me a clown. Just learn to play the simple game better and find some better teammates, Or do a Q 40 with 40 people to make the Boss encounters easier? No random pugs of terrible players should be clearing aq40 on week one of progression . Get real

all of AQ Temple is a joke… please stop complaing…get better…

Agreed, but even if it was not, having people who say they are having a hard time pugging it completely on week one with 20 people, no buffs , most likely mediocre unenchanted gear or consumes is hilarious

this is the way

The amount of clowns post here in absolutely insane regarding Temple of AQ.

Styls and Kni pretend they cleared the instance yet both didn’t :clown_face:
And Xarthisius just yapping on an alt without wanting to show his logs :clown_face:

Fankriss add spawn was toomuch even with worldbuffs, that is with a warrior and lock tank. Huhuran should be fixed now so she should be beatable.
Twins randomly just oneclapping tanks and melee nearby on uppercuts seems kind off stupid.
Ouru who cares its a big worm.

But C’thun not getting a single nerf towards his bugged add spawns or how rapid those are ontop of large HP pools AND the clownfiesta on many stupid RNG deaths you cannot really deal with.
The devs are literally out of touch and I am not afraid to say that, RNG should not determine a kill on C’thun, doing mechanics should however.


If anyone is wondering, yes, this guys logs are all in the 40 player bracket lol