AQ Sooner than Later?

Considering we have a lot to do, we’ll stay subbed.

If they gave you Naxx tomorrow because you can conquer it, how long until you unsub?

Why cater to the people who want to finish Classic ASAP and then quit? You realize how the subscription model works, yeah?


Why not cut out the middle man and just quit till all the content is out then come in and stomp all of it in a day?


You do realize the questing and progression guilds would still be doing that if naxx dropped tomorrow.

It wouldn’t change their progression at all.

Raid loggers could still unsub and come back when the next tier drops. It was always that way until titanforging was introduced in retail which kept people around a lil longer.

Releasing all the content doesnt change anything for progression guilds vs immediate farm guilds.

I don’t even know what your argument is. Are you arguing for Blizzard, or for players? It sounds like you’re making an argument for Blizzard.

oh god stop it. zg is coming out in april, lets enjoy what we have first.

Oh yea. Lets base all our decisions on what the top few guilds are doing!

BWL was cleared in an hour, so ZG and AQ should open the following week. When THEY get cleared in an hour, Naxx should be released the week after that.

Once naxx is cleared, drop the TBC prepatch, and have TBC release the following week.

When the top guilds clear T4 in the first week, make sure T5 is accessible. When that dies in the first day, release Black Temple. Then when that gets cleared release sunwell.

Or we could wait until people have a chance to enjoy BWL and gear up a bit before we drop AQ and Naxx.


“Blizzard, the content is too easy.”

“Blizzard, release content as slow as possible so we can gear up in BiS and make the content easier.”

“Raiding is a small part of the game, there’s so much else to do!” - cue the hundreds of posts from people begging Blizzard to release raid content as slow as possible because the only thing that matters in Classic is raiding, and they want it to drag on as long as possible. All these people know it but will never admit it.

I bet you could fit all the non-raiders into a single server.

T5 was accessible from the very beginning of TBC. TBC was the best era of WoW for most people and two full tiers were available right from the start.

Gruul’s Lair.
Serpentshrine Cavern.
The Eye.

Four months later, Hyjal and Black Temple released. Five months into the expansion, three raid tiers were cleared; no one complained about content releasing too fast. Most people started playing Vanilla WoW after a majority of content was already released. New servers started up with the entirety of Vanilla released.

Time-gating is a Retail concept and mentality.

Newsflash, they could have launched Naxx a month ago and it would have been cleared in a few hours by the best guilds in the world. I don’t know if you’re included in that group, but seeing as how 99.99% of gamers aren’t that good it really doesn’t matter how fast the first clears happen.

You know what this makes me think about, whats going to happen in AV when everyone in there trying to fish to open the gates, are the honor boys going to report them afk for that then?

Kinda. Some of the bosses were bugged to the point where they were unkillable. IMO, Blizz deliberately left them that way for a while.

Time-gating is a Retail concept and mentality.

Time-gating was a major part of vanilla.

Let’s not push it and say we did?
Bwl is still challenging lots of guilds. This isnt the same as MC where nearly any pug could clear it in a day (two max). Are there guilds that facerolled it? Yes. Are all guilds making it look easy? Not hardly.

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Blizzard never purposely held back content, it was released when it was finished, that was the Blizzard motto. ZG released two months after BWL in Vanilla, it wasn’t time-gated. The unlock of the AQ raids were time-gated but it wasn’t arbitrary, it was content to unlock content.

Holding back fully developed content is a Retail concept and mentality. Holding back LFR, holding back Mythic raiding, etc etc.

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no you did not

Their release schedule is intentional time-gating. This is how basically ALL MMOs work.

Vanilla is no different… so you think vanilla is based on the retail mentality.

I prefer the first timeline.

Yea, like most retail players, you want everything right now.

That’s why we’ve already had so many changes.

Their release schedule used to be “It’ll come out when it’s finished.” How is that time-gating? ZG released two months after BWL in Vanilla, because it was finished and released, not because they decided to hold back for two months.

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I dont want everything right now, i just want classic bc right now. Id rather play the better version of the game.


The same way they use it to time-gate in retail.

They control how much content they have ready when they do a release. They control how long it takes to complete the content.

The release schedule is calculated, and development time is shifted around to make it happen.

Not hard to figure out. Blizzard will cater to the majority of the players, not the raiders who want to access Naxx ASAP.

The whole idea of Classic is to recreate the Vanilla experience and that means not tossing all the content at us at the get go.